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Earth Sciences Research Journal

Print version ISSN 1794-6190

Earth Sci. Res. J. vol.24 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Mar. 2020 

Original Articles

Petrography, microthermometry, and isotopy of the gold veins from Vetas, Santander (Colombia)

Petrografía, microtermometria e isotopía de las vetas auríferas de Vetas, Santander (Colombia)

Sonia Rojas Barbosa1 

Juan Carlos Molano Mendoza2 

Thomas Cramer2 

1 Servicio Geológico Colombiano

2 Universidad Nacional de Colombia


The gold mineralization located in Vetas, Santander, consists of auriferous quartz veins hosted in Bucaramanga gneiss rocks, intrusive Jurassic rocks, and intrusive to porphyritic Miocene rocks. This study identified four mineralizing events: (1). Sericite, carbonate (ankerite and calcite?), massive and microcrystalline quartz, sphalerite, adularia, albite, galena, thin pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite. The age for this stage is 10.78 ±0.23Ma (Ar/Ar on sericite). (2). Molybdenite, magnetite with exsolution of ilmenite, As-pyrite, sphalerite, fine-grained pyrite and little chalcopyrite quartz with huge, feathery, fine mosaic, flamboyant and microcrystalline textures and, tourmaline and sericite. (3). Gold and tennantite associated with sphalerite, fine- and coarse-grained pyrite, As-pyrite, chalcopyrite like inclusions, and quartz with flamboyant, mosaic, massive and "comb" textures, and tourmaline. Stage 2 and 3 happened from 7.58 ±0.15 Ma to 6,89±0,41Ma (Ar/Ar on sericite). (4). Thick, thin, and pyrite with arsenic, hematite and microcrystalline quartz (forming breccia texture), and sericite. The age for this stage is 5.24 ±0.10 (Ar/Ar on sericite). Post-mineral: quartz comb, alunite, halloysite, kaolinite, and ferrum hydroxides.

The stable isotopes, ∂18O, ∂D, and ∂34S and fluid inclusions analysis infer that fluids were producing a mixture of meteoric and magmatic fluids with low salinity and minimum trapping temperatures between 200°C to 390°C.

The mineralogy association, and fluid inclusions, in the first event show characteristic of low sulfidation epithermal. The second stage was hottest and with more magmatic signature over printed an intermediate sulfidation system; show a little more salinity on the fluids and more mineralogical diversity, the third and four events, could show an evolution of this fluid, where it was cooling and impoverishing on metals. Two initials stages are contemporaneous with two magmatic Miocene pulses on the area: the first one of granodiorite composition 10, 9± 0.2 Ma (U/Pb zircon), and the other one rhyodacite with 8.4 ±0.2 y 9.0 ± 0.2 Ma.

Keywords: stable isotopes; epithermal; intermediate sulfidation; gold mineralization; fluids mixture; Miocene


La mineralización de oro ubicada en Vetas, Santander, consiste en vetas auríferas de cuarzo alojadas en rocas del gneis de Bucaramanga, rocas jurásicas intrusivas y rocas intrusivas porfiríticas miocenicas. Este estudio identificó cuatro eventos de mineralización: (1). Sericita, carbonato (ankerita y calcita?), cuarzo masivo y microcristalino, esfalerita, adularia, albita, galena, pirita delgada, pirrotita, calcopirita. La edad para esta etapa es 10.78 ± 0.23Ma (Ar / Ar en sericita). (2). Molibdenita, magnetita con exsolución de ilmenita, arsenopirita, esfalerita, pirita de grano fino un poco de calcopirita y cuarzo con textura plumosa, mosaico fino, flamboyante y microcristalino, turmalina y sericita. (3). Oro y tenantita asociados con esfalerita, pirita de grano fino y grueso, pirita de arsenopirita, calcopirita como inclusiones, y cuarzo con texturas flamboyante, mosaico, masiva y en "peine", y turmalina. Los eventos 2 y 3 ocurrieron entre los 7,58 ± 0,15 Ma a 6,89 ± 0,41Ma (Ar / Ar en sericita). (4). Pirita en cristales finos y gruesos con arsénico, hematita y cuarzo microcristalino (formando una textura brechosa), y sericita. La edad para este evento es de 5.24 ± 0.10 (Ar / Ar en sericita). El evento Post-mineral: peine de cuarzo, alunita, haloysita, caolinita e hidróxidos de hierro. Los isótopos estables, ∂18 O, ∂D y ∂34 S y el análisis de inclusiones de fluidos infieren que los fluidos fueron producto de una mezcla de fluidos meteóricos y magmáticos con baja salinidad y temperaturas de atrapamiento mínimas entre 200° C y 390° C. La asociación mineralogica y las inclusiones fluidas, en el primer evento, muestran características de un ambiente epitermal de baja sulfuración; el segundo evento más caliente presenta una firma magmática más prominente sobreimponiendo un sistema epitermal de intermedia sulfuración sobre el de baja sulfuración, con un poco más de salinidad en los fluidos y más diversidad mineralógica. Para el tercer y cuarto eventos muestran una evolución de este fluido, donde se enfría y se empobrece en metales. De acuerdo a las edades reportadas, los dos eventos iniciales son contemporáneos con dos pulsos magmáticos del Mioceno que fueron identificados en sectores circundantes del área, el primero de composición de granodiorita 10, 9 ± 0.2 Ma (circón U / Pb, Mantilla, et al. 2011), y el otro de riodoritas con 8.4 ± 0.2 y 9.0 ± 0.2 Ma.

Palabras clave: Isótopos estables; epitermal; sulfuración intermedia; mineralización aurífera; mezcla de fluidos; Mioceno


This work shows the physicochemical characteristics of the mineralizing fluids, and determine the possible metallogenic environment in which it was formed in addition to its age, based on petrographic, fluid inclusions, and isotopic studies.

The Vetas gold deposit is located in the area of Vetas, Santander, 50 km far from Bucaramanga toward the NE. Tectonically, the area is placed at the northwest of South American plate, limited by the Bucaramanga fault (principal regional structure on the area) and the Oca Fault. Those faults are strike-slip types, and the movement is a product of the subduction of Nazca and Caribbean Plate (Figure 1). Mineralization is untaken as a series of veins embedded in metamorphic rocks of Bucaramanga gneiss and Jurassic-Tertiary igneous rocks that intrude them.

Figure 1 Location of the study area and tectonic setting (modified from Rojas, 2013; Ward et al, 1973). 

Geological setting

The study area is located in Santander Massif, which consists of Precambrian, metamorphic rocks, Jurassic intrusive igneous rocks, and Tertiary subvolcanic rocks (Miocene), also with colluvial deposits (Figure 1).

Bucaramanga gneiss rocks

In this area are outcrops paragneisses (quartz-feldspathic, quartz-biotitic, quartz feldspathic, and biotitic and silimanithic), quartzites and amphibolites. These rocks present retrograde metamorphism for biotite, evidenced by the presence of chlorite (Urueña & Zuluaga, 2011). These rocks have a strong hydrothermal alteration, as evidenced by the presence of chlorite, epidote, feldspar, sericite, carbonates, and silicification associated with plagioclase and aluminosilicates, and veins.

Jurassic intrusive igneous rocks

Petrographically, these rocks are holocrystalline, fine-to-medium grained with a very light pink and gray color; their composition varies from granite, diorite, and tonalitic igneous rocks, and correspond to different bodies but contemporaneous (Ward et al., 1973); which lie in the north and east of the study area (Figure 1). These rocks, close to mineralization zone have a moderate and zoned hydrothermal alteration, characterized by silicification and pyritization on the periphery and argilic alteration near the mineralized veins. The argilic alteration is strong and pervasive masking of the rock's original texture. These rocks are strongly fractured, helping the formation of stockwork mineralization.

Miocene intrusive rocks

These rocks occur as intrusives and dikes outcropping in the northern part of the study area, in the road to Reina de Oro Mine and within a few tunnels. The rocks are porphyritic quartzmonzonites, light pinkish to gray and composed of quartz, plagioclase (oligoclase) and biotite, zircon as accessories.

In some tunnels some dikes of this unit were observed cutting veins. In the La Reina de Oro tunnel, a sample of dacite was taken, where fine disseminated pyrite, arsenious pyrite, chalcopyrite and magnetite (Figure 2) was identified.

Figure 2 Argillic dacite dike cutting by some mineralized veinlets, and the same time the dike cut other veins too. Reina de Oro Mine 

Structural Control setting

The Vetas mineralizations have a structural control related to the Bucaramanga (NW direction), Cucutilla (NE direction) faults, and their associated structures, which create a distensive tectonically originating spaces that served as conduits where the bodies were emplaced (Mantilla et al, 2009 and Mantilla et al, 2011).

Structurally reefs are related to fractures set with N55°W and N30°-60° strikes, with veins strikes of N30° to 50°E, N60°to 88°W and EW, and with dips between 30° to 90°. Dip variations are observed in places that vein thickness change (Mantilla and Mogollón, 1991), that situation is caused for little faults that cut the reefs.

The El Volcán Fault has a sinistral (left-lateral) movement, moving veins from 10 to 15 meters. Other smaller faults with a NE strike late to mineralization are significant because they cause truncations and wedge veins (Figure 2 and 3).

Figure 3 Vein wedged by faulting, La Peter mine 

Ore deposit mineralogy

The mineralization occurs mainly in veins with thicknesses ranging from 30 cm to 1 meter. The most of the veins are banded, where the central strip correspond to recrystallized quartz and sulphides, occasionally tourmaline and sericite, this area contains higher gold concentrations. On both sides of these bands of quarts are presented primary and recrystallized quartz, and sulfides, also a significant increase in the intensity of sericite alteration. The most outer part of the vein corresponds to an argillic and mineralized zone, which is characterized for a bluish green color, and also presents significant gold concentrations.

Gangue Minerals

Quartz is the most abundant mineral, and was identified in all mineralizing stages (4 mineralizing stages and the post mineral event). Quartz occur with different textures (Dong et al., 1995) that were used as a guide for recognizing the paragenetic sequence. These textures are:

  1. Quartz with massive texture (characterized by the presence of large, subhedrales to euedral. It was identified in early mineralizing stages (first, second and third stages).

  2. Quartz with flamboyant and feathery texture on the second stage.

  3. Quartz with mosaic texture (figure 4b), occurs as irregular, finegrained to micro-crystalline and aggregate. In the late events of mineralization (second and third stages).

  4. Cryptocrystalline quartz (figure 4b), latest event and acts as a cement in places where brecciated texture is presented (fourth event)

  5. Quartz with "comb" texture (figure 4 a), appears as prismatic medium to coarse-grained crystals, this texture was formed on the third stage mineralization and a post-mineral event.

Figure 4 a. Quartz (Qz) textures, a. Quartz with "Comb" texture (center of the picture), Quartz with mosaic texture and tourmaline (left) of the third event, and microcrystalline quartz (right), b. Fragment of massive quartz with tourmaline (To) in a matrix of cryptocrystalline quartz (brecciated texture). 

Ore Minerals

The paragenesis includes gold, sulfides like pirrotite, pyrite, tennantite, pyrrotite, galena sphalerite and traces ofmolybdenite and oxides like, magnetite-ilmenite, the oxides being the most abundant. These minerals occur in veinlets or disseminated in intergrowth textures, replacement and filling spaces in the veins and host rocks.

Gold: It was identified in the third mineralizing stage, included in tennantite or fractures of low iron sphalerite (figure 5), and massive quartz associated with tourmaline and quartz with flamboyant and massive texture. Gold is irregularly shaped, its size varies between 26 and 41 urn. Other authors reported free gold associated with quartz and euhedral pyrite (Cortés, 2002 and Garcia y Uribe, 2003).

Figure 5 Gold (Au) include in tennantite (TNT), in paragenetic association with sphalerite and galena early. 

Silver: it has been reported in other works (Cortés 2002, Garcia y Uribe, 2003), and others) associated with pyrite and galena. Within the Electron probe micro-analyzer (EMPA) analysis show, between 10% and 15%. Ag in the tennantite.

Pyrite: Three generations were identified: 1. Fine pyrite, 2. Coarse-grained (>100 microns) pyrite associated with As- pyrite (lighter and anisotropic) and 3. Fine-grained pyrite (±50 microns, Figures 6 and 7). Some crystals of pyrite are product of recrystallization of pyrrhotite (Figure 6).

Figure 6 Ore minerals. a. Chalcopyrite crystals in the contact with molybdenite, b. Magnetite intergwith ilmenite exsolution, c. Tennantite in paragenesis with sphalerite and chalcopyrite, pyrite later or in paragenesis with sphalerite, d. Pyrrhotite and pyrite, before sphalerite , e. Ass- pyrite intergrown with pyrite (porous maybe product of pyrrhotite recrystallization) f. Chalcopyrite in paragenesis with pyrrhotite before As pyrite. 

Galena: It has coarse particle size (>100 microns) and is associated with quartz with flamboyant and massive texture; in some cases, it is being replaced by sphalerite, so this indicates that was formed during first mineralizing event (figure 5 and 6).

Sphalerite: two species were identified, one clear and the other dark related to variations in the iron content possibly (Table 1). The first one crystallized during the first stage associated with carbonate when is disseminate in the host rock close to the veins and sericite, also appears as islands in pyrite, sometimes like inclusions and other times filling pores or associated .with tennantite (Figure 5 and 6).

Table 1 Sphalerite composition (EPMA Analysis) 

Sample As% S% Mn% Fe% Cu% Zn% Pb% Ag% Au% Cd% Sb% Total% Formule
1019 0,097 33,829 0,106 0,004 0,755 66,109 0,255 0,257 0,000 0,391 0,201 102,002 CuZnS
1019 0,161 33,376 0,112 0,000 0,580 66,170 0,209 0,401 0,015 0,482 0,301 101,806 CuZnS
1019 0,000 33,712 0,022 0,613 0,171 67,130 0,086 0,022 0,091 0,597 0,023 102,467 FeZnS
1019 0,000 34,001 0,042 0,977 0,233 66,600 0,106 0,015 0,000 0,398 0,013 102,384 FeZnS
1019 0,047 33,650 0,110 0,000 0,383 66,819 0,105 0,368 0,000 0,546 0,161 102,190 ZnS
1019 0,115 33,580 0,099 0,014 0,453 66,311 0,226 0,094 0,000 0,677 0,141 101,710 CdZnS
1019 0,094 33,551 0,073 0,000 0,288 66,771 0,091 0,181 0,000 0,498 0,149 101,695 ZnS
1019 0,000 33,761 0,106 0,000 0,166 67,069 0,099 0,067 0,000 0,498 0,017 101,781 ZnS
1019 0,439 32,604 0,123 0,000 1,148 64,029 0,248 0,968 0,083 0,461 0,397 100,500 CuZnS
1019 0,000 34,060 0,100 0,000 0,264 68,080 0,152 0,000 0,000 0,460 0,016 103,131 ZnS
1019 0,000 34,184 0,092 0,007 0,371 67,619 0,102 0,006 0,000 0,512 0,014 102,907 ZnS
1031 0,051 33,311 0,036 0,987 0,094 65,353 0,009 0,019 0,041 0,281 0,044 100,232 FeZnS
1031 0,000 33,228 0,039 2,199 0,201 65,827 0,056 0,000 0,021 0,248 0,000 101,818 Fe01ZnS
1031 0,000 33,311 0,043 2,925 0,062 64,896 0,120 0,033 0,082 0,189 0,009 101,670 Fe01ZnS
1031 0,000 33,190 0,000 1,051 0,001 67,632 0,134 0,020 0,000 0,348 0,000 102,375 ZnS
1031 0,000 33,276 0,039 1,992 0,150 66,101 0,175 0,028 0,000 0,232 0,044 102,038 Fe01ZnS
1031 0,193 32,883 0,048 0,696 0,792 66,247 0,086 0,213 0,007 0,248 0,165 101,578 FeCuZnS
1035 0,000 32,994 0,073 0,649 0,208 66,544 0,018 0,028 0,131 0,260 0,107 101,011 FeZnS
1035 0,000 32,945 0,035 0,004 0,044 68,203 0,040 0,000 0,138 0,241 0,000 101,649 CuAgZnS
1035 0,000 33,196 0,008 0,007 0,025 68,747 0,095 0,000 0,297 0,245 0,002 102,622 ZnS
1035 0,000 32,905 0,014 0,000 0,130 68,493 0,231 0,033 0,090 0,213 0,000 102,109 ZnS
1035 0,000 32,818 0,028 0,016 0,257 67,990 0,000 0,128 0,000 0,340 0,049 101,657 ZnS
1035 0,046 33,095 0,070 0,008 0,384 67,346 0,134 0,293 0,000 0,272 0,135 101,783 ZnS
1035 0,010 32,756 0,037 0,572 0,153 67,342 0,102 0,217 0,097 0,290 0,088 101,672 ZnS
1035 0,077 32,997 0,035 0,026 0,386 67,484 0,105 0,138 0,000 0,364 0,174 101,783 ZnS
1035 0,000 32,978 0,049 0,020 0,055 68,332 0,201 0,035 0,103 0,284 0,000 102,057 ZnS
1035 0,072 32,817 0,056 0,016 0,524 67,130 0,173 0,340 0,041 0,328 0,236 101,732 ZnS
1035 0,025 33,067 0,023 0,233 0,212 67,703 0,156 0,128 0,000 0,278 0,119 101,943 ZnS
1035 0,000 42,300 0,076 0,028 0,319 67,880 0,153 0,039 0,341 0,000 0,000 111,174 ZnS
1019a 0,002 42,178 0,134 0,003 0,668 66,201 0,171 0,000 0,508 0,000 0,159 110,070 AuCuZnS

The clear (visible with transmitted light) sphalerite is found mainly in the central part of the veins, as coarse-grained, euhedral crystals. It can be found inter-grown with tennantite, replacing galena and pyrite and filling spaces in pyrite and As-pyrite.

Tennantite (Cu12AgZn3AsSb4S16-Cu5Ag2ZnAsSb2S8): occurs in coarsegrained aggregate, with clear sphalerite. Its composition was determined by EMPA analysis (figure 5 and 6).

Molybdenite: is pinkish dirty pale gray color, with a fibrous and pseudohexagonal habit, presents a strong anisotropy and pleochroism. It occurs in the second stage of mineralization (Figure 6).

Chalcopyrite: occurs as pyrite islands in "atoll" textures or in contact (Figure 6) with fibrous cristal of molybdenite, indicating that they were precipitated on first to early second mineralization stages, even though some crystal of chalcopyrite occur in the three and four mineralizing event. According to some EMPA analysis, they contains arsenic in their composition (Figure 6).

Pyrrhotite: occurs as fine-grained, pink crystals, they are presented in the first mineralization event associated with chalcopyrite and dark sphalerite (Figure 6).

Magnetite: the magnetite have exsolutions of ilmenite, this indicate Ti in the structure of magnetite. This mineral appear in the second mineralization stage (Figure 6).

Alteration minerals and hydrothermal alterations

Sericite andillite (figure 7): main minerals alteration has good crystallinity and its size varies from fine to very coarse-grained (> 100 microns, possibly muscovite). It is presented as alteration in sillimanite and plagioclase alteration from the host rock, and is associated with sulfide and quartz veinlet in the first and second mineral stage, when the granulometry of sericite is fine-grained is presented with illite (identified by DRX).

Figure 7 a. Veinlet of adularia in gneiss quartz feldspathic and sericitization on plagioclase, b. Plagioclase with sericitic (coarse sericite) alteration. c. Veilent of adularia. d. Ankerite and calcite of alteration in quartzmonzonite. 

Adularia: is the second alteration mineral in abundance, is found as coarse-grained (100 to 500 microns), euhedral crystals in veinlets, sometimes associated with albite and sericite. It represents in the first stage of mineralization.

Ankerite (Identified by SEM) is restricted to the areas close to veins, where the rock alteration is not strong (figure 8).

Figure 8 Analysis of ankerite with electronic microscopy was identified calcium, iron and magnesium. 

Tourmaline: It is characterized by having prismatic habit, thin and elongated crystals with brownish green color. It is associated with the ore-rich area of the veins, accompanied by quartz with flamboyant and massive texture between second and third stage.

Other identified alteration minerals include chlorite and epidote, in remote areas of the mineralization; kaolin, affecting feldspars from the host rock and alunite (Identified by SEM and DRX), possibly product of supergene alteration as well as iron oxides and hydroxides are also recognized.

Paragenetic sequence

Four mineralizing events and one post-mineral stages separated by fracturing, brecciation and mineralogical changes were identified. Such associations are mentioned below and are represented in Figure 9:

Figure 9 Paragenetic sequence 

Stage 1: association of sericite, carbonate (ankerite and calcite?), massive and microcrystalline quartz (possibly recrystallized Demoustier, Castroviejo, t Charlet, 1998), sphalerite, adularia, albite, galena, thin pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite.

Mineralogical change is produced by a temperature increase and enrichment of fluids.

Stage 2: Molybdenite, magnetite with exsolution of ilmenite, As-pyrite, sphalerite, fine-grained pyrite and little chalcopyrite quartz with huge, feathery, fine mosaic, flamboyant (product of recrystallization of massive quartz first event or from chalcedony Demoustier, Castroviejo, t Charlet, (1998)) and microcrystalline textures quartz and, tourmaline and sericite.

Brittle deformation, which produced conduits where new minerals were mobilized and precipitated.

Stage 3: Gold and tennantite associated with sphalerite, fine-grained pyrite, coarse-grained pyrite and As-pyrite, sometimes with chalcopyrite like inclusions, and quartz with flamboyant, mosaic, massive and "comb" textures, and tourmaline.

Stage 4: Fine-grained pyrite microcrystalline quartz and sericite. A generation of fine-grained pyrite with microcrystalline quartz that produces brecciated textures.

Post-mineral stage: This event happens in open spaces result of brittle deformation or remaining space of crystallization, which where was formation of small quartz geodes with "comb" texture, ferrum hydroxide and alunite, halloysite and kaolinite.

Fluid inclusions mycrothermometry

The study of fluid inclusions provides information related to changes in the temperature and composition of the mineralizing fluids.

The measured fluid inclusions correspond to 1, 2, 3 mineralizing stage and the post-mineral event (Figure 10).

Figure 10 Fluid inclusions in quartz with massive texture of the second mineralizing stage. 

The research was carried out in five polished thin sections chosen because of their mineralogical characteristics and characterized by their textures and abundance of fluid inclusions that distinguish the different mineralizing pulses. The measured fluid inclusions correspond to 1, 2, 3 mineralizing events and the paragenetic post-mineral sequence (Figure 9). During the analysis, the following was discovered: biphasic inclusions (the most abundant), very small monophasic and three phasic (only two examples, with crystals of opaque minerals).

Biphasic inclusions have sizes ranging from less than 5 µm (the most abundant), 10µm - 30µm and the biggest range from 80µm to over 100µm. A lot of varieties of shapes are observed: Regular, irregular, ovoid and tabular. The primary inclusions in quartz with massive texture are the biggest, usually they appear lonely or as isolated groups and in the center of the crystals. Some pseudo-secondary inclusions are found as smaller aligned sets along microfractures that do not touch the edges of the crystals

Secondary inclusions were observed in the recrystallized edges of the quartz with flamboyant and feathery textures or in fractures that cross a lot of crystals (Figure 11).

Figure 11 Secondary fluid Inclusions in quartz with flamboyant texture of the third mineralizing event. 

Fluid Inclusions that have an evidence of strangulation or fluid leakage was not measured.

Four temperature changes were visualized:

  • - First Melting Temperature.

  • - Hydro-halite Melting Temperature.

  • - Final Melting Temperature of ice.

  • - Homogenization Temperature.

These temperature changes allowed the authors to not only determine the chemical system but also the minimum trapping temperature, which allowed to determine important variations in temperature during deposit formation.

First melting temperatures are quite low, indicating the presence of salts in the water, and can be divided into three groups of temperature: -40°C to -35°C, -30°C to -25°C and -23°C to -20°C. This range of temperatures show that the composition of the mineralizing fluids was quite complicate, where possibly a saline mixture of NaCl, CaCl2 and MgCl2 is presented (table 1).

In some of the fluid inclusions changes at temperatures between -25°C and -20°C corresponding to the final hydro-halite melting point (table 2). Low temperatures of the first melting and final melting hydro-halite, in most of the measurements in Events 1, 2 and 3 indicate that the chemical system is complex, with at least three different kinds of solutes presented: H2O - NaCl, H2O - NaCl - CaCl2 y H2O - NaCl - MgCl2, of which NaCl is the predominant, while the MgCl2 is the lowest in abundance. To determine the presence of these salt systems the following programs were used: AqSo1e, AqSo2e and AqSo3e, Software Package Fluids, Version 1, for aqueous fluid inclusions developed by Ronald Bakker of the University of Leoben in Austria (Table 2).

Table 2 Measurements and calculated parameters from fluid inclusions mycrothermometry. The analyses of mycrothermometry was doing with the Bakker - FLUID, software AqSole AqSo2e y AqSo3e y Loner 38, for the watery inclusions. (T ff: first fusion, Thh: final fusion of hydrohalite, Tfl: Final fusion of ice, Th: homogenization temperature, L: Liquid, V: Vapor). 

First melting temperatures are also variable, and generally low, being samples between -6°C to 0°C and others between -12°C to -8 ° C, that in terms of salt concentration correspond to approximate salinities of 16 wt%eqNaCl to 11 wt%eqNaCl and 10 wt% eqNaCl to 0 wt%eqNaCl respectively. Inclusions related to the early mineralizing events are a little more saline, for example, for the first and second stage the salinity may be above 10 wt%eq NaCl, for the case of second stage can be up 18 wt "/oeqNaCl (for the first stage 12 wt %eqNaCl), meanwhile for the third and post mineral stage only achieve to 10 %eqNaCl (figure 12).

Figure 12 Histogram showing the salinity of fluid for the stage measured. The salinity is similar for the all satage, but for the second event is showing some pikes of salinity, and the most dates are between 6 and 10 %wt NaCl eq. 

Fluid inclusions of the first mineralizing stage show that temperatures are between 210°C and 250°C, with an average of 220°C and minimum trapping pressure (calculated using the Software Package Fluids, version 1. of Zhang and Frantz, 1987), varies from 1 to 2 MPa and depths calculated in general under 1000 m, showing that the conditions were propitious for the formation of epithermal deposits (Camprubi & Albinson, 2006).

The second mineralizing stage show a significant increase in the homogenization temperatures, reaching values above 350°C (the range the temperatures is from 227 to 387°C), with an average of 279°C. These high temperatures are consistent with the presence of minerals such as tourmaline, and molybdenite in this event. Values calculated show a minimum pressure range from 3 to 9 Mpa, these being higher values compared to the first mineralizing event. This change in conditions could be explained as an increase in pressure associated with the emplacement of igneous bodies that heated the system contemporaneous with the second mineralizing stage like was observed in the Reina de Oro Tunnel.

The fluid inclusions in the third mineralizing event measurements show a decrease in temperature, ranging between 200°C and 240°C, this change is also evident in the mineral assemblages presented in this event, where high-temperature minerals were not identified. The calculated pressures are from 1 to 2,8MPa, which are similar to the first mineralizing event.

For the fourth mineralizing event it was not possible to make any microthermometry measurement, because the quartz type present in this event is very fine-grained, cryptocrystalline quartz. However according to the mineralogical scarcity could be inferred that fluids were becoming more impoverished, and the luid continuous with the cooling process.

In the post-mineral mineralizing event few measurements were made because most inclusions were found liquid-rich, biphasic or with a very small size. Of the few that could be measured, low homogenization temperatures were obtained from 125°C to 190°C (Figure 13).

Figure 13 Histogram showing the homogenization Temperature.  

Stable isotopes

Around 25 sulfur isotope analysis (δ34S) in pyrite and galena, 7 isotopes of O (δ 18O) and 6 isotopes H (δ 2H) were performed.

These analyzes were carried out in the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey USGS for stable isotopes in Denver, Colorado (δ 34S, δ 18O and δ 2H) and University of Salamanca in Spain (d18O and δ 2H). The results of isotopie analysis δ 34S are reported, based on the standard values of troilite from Diablo's Canyon; for δ 2H and δ 18O isotopes values are given according to the isotopie signature of seawater.

Deuterium and oxygen analyzes were performed into sericite and quartz. Sericite was separated from samples of mineralized veins and backups, which were crumpled and pulverized, and quartz was obtained from mineralized veins.

Sulfur isotopes

Isotope values for δ 34S show a bimodal trend with values between 1 %o to -6 %o and -17.6 %o to -20 %o (Figure 14), indicating two different sources of sulfur. The closer to zero values are associated with felsic igneous rocks (Campbell & Larson, 1998), sulfur was possibly leached from the sulfides presented in igneous rocks (Rye & Ohmoto, 1974). The most negative δ 34S values are the result of leached of metamorphic rocks (from sedimentary) for reactive fluids during hydrothermal process, and imposed their isotopic signature to mineralization (Tang et al., 1998 from Y. Zhang et al., 2017)

Table 3 Isotope (δ 34S (%0)) results for mineral separates 

Sample Mineral δ34S (%0)
1003 Py 0,48
1009 Gn 0,0
1009 Py -1,2
1010 Py -0,44
1012 Py -5,7
1014A Py 0,9
1018 Py -0,6
1019A Py -2,0
1022 Py -3,4
1028 Py 0,7
1031 Py -16,7
1031 Py -17,8
1033 Py 1,4
1034 Py 0,8
1035 Py -3,4
1043 Py 2,5
1019 Py -0,6
1050 Py 1,0
1050 Ga -19,0
1050 Ga -20,0

Figure 14 Sulfur isotope analysis (δ 34S) 

Deuterium and oxygen isotopes

Analyses were performed on samples obtained from quartz veinlets and sericite from the alteration zone of the host rocks in the vein zone.

The isotopic values of δ 18OSMOW%0 are close to 10 indicating that fluid have strong magmatic affinity (Campbel & Larson, 1998), in the case of δDSMOW %o the situation is the same the most values have magmatic signature (Campbel & Larson, 1998).

When deuterium and oxygen results are compared it (Figure 15), a strong magmatic affinity is observed. This affinity is illustrated by the fact that most of the points fall very close to the field of magmatic waters and even two of the values are within the field. The points that are outside of this field tend to move toward the line of meteoric water, indicating that they are also related.

Figure 15 Diagram of δ 18O vs δD. Modified from Taylor, 1979 in Barnes, 1997 

According to the previous facts it can be interpreted that the mineralizing fluids were generated due to a mixture of meteoric and magmatic waters, being magmatic waters dominant.

Table 4 Stable isotopes of deuterium and oxygen results 

Muestra Mineral δ18OSMOWK%o δDSMOW %o Isotopic fractionation factor of O (1000 lnαA-B) H20%
1002 Sericite 11,2 -77,1 5,95 2,3
1014 Quartz 11,4 - 4,86 0,3
1018 Quartz 15,7 -77,6 9,16 0,3
1022 Quartz 11,8 -88 2,08 0,3
1035 Quartz 13,2 -80,7 3,40 0,5
1035 Quartz 13,1 -80,7 3,30 0,5
1043 Quartz 13,6 -93,8 5,23 0,4
1035 Sericite 12,9 - 8,50 --

When deuterium and oxygen results are compared it (Figure 15), a strong magmatic affinity is observed. This affinity is illustrated by the fact that most of the points fall very close to the field of magmatic waters and even two of the values fall within the field. The points that are outside of this field tend to move toward the line of meteoric water, indicating that they are also related.

According to the previous facts it can be interpreted that the mineralizing fluids were generated due to a mixture of meteoric and magmatic waters, being magmatic waters dominant.

Ore deposit age

Four rock samples were taken from three different veinlets; these were chosen according with their high content of sericite.

The rock samples were pulverized, sieved and clays were separated by decanting. In the case of thicker sericite these were separated by handpicking method under stereomicroscope. The samples were analyzed in the laboratories of the University of Oregon.

As shown in the Table 5 and figure 16, mineralization originated from Miocene to Pliocene, where 3 different hydrothermal pulses were identified, the oldest at 10.78±0,23 Ma, an intermediate between 7,68±0,15 Ma and 6,89±0,41 Ma and the last one of 5,24±0,10Ma. The first pulse could be contemporaneous with intrusion bodies, one of them a granodiorite with age is (U/Pb on zircon) 10.9±0.2 Ma, located in the Meseton sector (Mantilla et al, 2011) 1 to 3 Km at NW of mineralizations visited on Vetas, indicating that body like that could be source of fluids and temperature for the first stage of the mineralization.

Table 5 Ar/Ar age of the analyzed samples 

Sample number Mineral for analyzing Rock type Age plateau (My) Age inverse isochron (My)
1002 Sericite Vein (Loscas North) 10.78 ±0.23 11,53±0.84
1012 Sericite Backup Vein, La Gloria mine 5.24 ±0.10 5.26±0.13
1018 Sericita Backup vein, Salvación mine 7.68±17 6.75±0.1
1018D Sericite Backup vein, Salvación mine 7.58 ±0.15 7.19±0.54
1022 Sericite Vein, La Locura mine 6.89 ±0.41 6.83±059

Figure 16 Age plateau and inverse isochron. The graphics show satisfactory results because the plateaus are almost perfect, with exception to the samples 1002 and 1018 (duplicate), where the 10% of the released gas is below the average age and the sample and the sample 1022 where 10% of the last released gas is above of the average age. The ages calculate with the inverse isochron are very similar to the plateau values, even though in some case there are small variations but those values are into the margin of error, only in the case of sample 1018 the values are more scattered, for this reason the assay was repeated. 

The others ages 7,68±0,15Ma and 6,89±0,41Ma could be with the second and possibly third stage, because the petrography in that samples corresponding with that stages, and the 5,24±0,10Ma corresponding to fourth stage.

Also, there are some intrusive rhyodacitics bodies younger in the area with age from 8.4 ±0.2 y 9.0 ± 0.2 Ma (Mantilla et al, 2009), that indicate that the magmatism was continue for a long time, and contribute to warm and elements to mineralizing fluids. It's therefore possible there are intrusive bodies younger no date in the area


The Vetas gold deposit was formed by four mineralizing events and one post-mineral event. The first stage shows typical neutral characteristics of low sulfudation epithermal environments according to their mineralogical association, fluids composition, low saline and temperature of deposit formation (Camprubi et al., 2003). For the second event, conditions change, due to temperature increase associated with the possible injection of hot and mineral-rich fluids to the system, increasing salinity slightly in fluids. During the second stage, the magmatic influence is more evident than the first stage, such as the stable isotopes with a magmatic signature, seems greater relationship with marginal porphyritic conditions, overlap intermediate epithermal environment on the initial conditions.

The fluid which interacted with the host rocks, was cooled, developed, neutralized and mixed with meteoric water, precipitating minerals with intermediate sulfidation like sulfosalts (tennantite) silver-rich and zinc-rich, plus gold, low iron sphalerite, pyrite and chalcopyrite (Yilmaz, et al., 2010; Wang et al, 2019). In the third mineralizing event, fluid and had lower salinity.

Possibly due to an increase in pressure, a hydraulic micro-brecciation, whose matrix is composed of cryptocrystalline quartz and pyrite is generated. The little mineralogy could be showing that the fluid was getting colder and low in dissolved elements when the four stage happened.

Finally single crystals of quartz with "comb" texture were precipitated in the open spaces, at temperatures below 190°C.

Such magmatic influence on the ore deposit becomes more apparent during the second hydrothermal event where a drastic increase in temperature (>300°C) found by measurement of fluid inclusions and represented by the mineralogy presented during this event is observed. This mineralogy is characterized by high-temperature minerals such as molybdenite, magnetite and tourmaline, showing almost porphyritic features, possibly caused for the overprinted of different hydrothermal systems, product of continue magmatism for 2.5 Ma during Mioceno (Mantilla et al., 2011), the first one, previous to contemporaneous with the first hydrothermal stage with of 10, 9± 0.2 Ma (U / Pb zircon, Mantilla, et al 2011), and the other one dated with 8.4 ±0.2 y 9.0 ± 0.2 Ma (Mantilla et al, 2009), before second stage (7,58±0,15Ma and 6,89±0,41Ma), but is necessary dated others porphyritic bodies identified in the area to check their real relation with different stages of the mineralization, being that the magmatic affinity is important.

The mineralogical association and salinity of the mineralizing luids, strong magmatic affinity evidenced with isotopic results, in addition to the pressure and temperature conditions allow the classification of the ore deposit as intermediate sulfidation epithermal deposit (Hedenquist et al, 2000, Camprubi & Abilson, 2006, Yilmaz, et al., 2010 and Wang et al, 2019). Those characteristic could be originated for entry of fluids magmatic and warm to the system during the second stage, that magmatic influence could be over print marginal porphyritic conditions, but is necessary check cores to verify the presence porphyry on depth.

Solutions neuters to alkaline (illite -sericite association) and low salinity at temperatures near 330°C, allow the conclusion that gold could be transported by bi- sulphides complexes to shallow levels where the ambient is most oxidant and possibly most acid allowed more precipitation. (Hedenquist et al. 2000, Camprubi et al. 2006, Williams-Jones, et al., 2009).

Metallogenic model

The low to intermediate sulfidation epithermal ore deposit located in Vetas, Santander, originated in a tectonic framework associated with The Bucaramanga fault (main structure) and crossings structures with strikes of NE and NW, which helped as a duct for the magmas ascending, product of Caribbean Plate depth subduction under the South American Plate (Mantilla et al. 2011) .

These magmas with ryodacitic to quartz-monzonites composition were important in the ore deposit formation; because they were initially the main source of mineralizing fluids. The first one of 10, 9± 0.2 Ma (Mantilla et al, 2011), was the source of first stage possibly, and 8.4 ±0.2 and 9.0 ± 0.2 Ma (Mantilla et al, 2009) of second stage, even though other bodies more recent no dated.

Between the Miocene - Pliocene, magmatic fluids, reacted with Bucaramanga gneiss rocks and intrusive igneous rocks (Jurassic and Tertiary) altering it. During the first stage (10.78 ±0.23) these fluids were mixed with meteoric water; they were neutralized and the metals were transported by bisulphides complexes because according with the alteration mineralogy (illite - sericite - carbonates), and temperature (200 to 240°C in the first stage) was the most appropriated mechanism, on shallower depth the enviroments is most oxidant and the metals deposited on open spaces in an low sulfidation environment.

A magmatic pulse between first and second stage of 8.4 ±0.2 and 9.0 ± 0.2 Ma was identified to 8 km NW approx. this pulse could be related to the second stage (7,58±0,15Ma and 6,89±0,41Ma ). The difference between ages is almost 1 Ma, but is possible the presence of others bodies no dated but identified in the area (Figure 1). The mechanism of transported to the second stage its considered similar to the first stage, but the mineralogy, the fluid inclusions show more temperature and stable isotopes more magmatic affinity, this aspects allow suggest that overprinted a system of intermediate sulfidation to almost marginal porphyritic conditions on low sulfidation environment.

The third stage is considered like a progression of second stage, but with the coolest and poorest (in metals) fluid, was separated of first event because the minerals were deposited in new spaces opened, product offracturing event. The four stage dated with (5.24 ±0.10 Ma), could be representing a progression on the luid evolution, with more interaction of meteoric luids, produce a hydraulic brecciating (Mciver, 1997). The post mineral stage is the continuation of evolution of luid colder and poor in metals, possibly on areas close to surface with a strong oxidation activity and an acid ph (alunite, kaolinite and halloysite).


  • - Vetas gold deposit, Santander, is a low to intermediate sulfidation epithermal ore deposit in which this study has identified four mineralizing events and one post-mineral event.

  • - Fluids salinity is high and complicated because there are at least three types of chemical systems: NaCl- H2O, CaCl2 - NaCl - H2O y MgCl2, - NaCl - H2O, with concentrations reaching up to 16% wteqNaCl for the first and third mineralizing events, 18 % wteqNaCl for the second event and 8 to 10% wteqNaCl for the post-mineral event. These values of salinity are similar of low and intermediate epithermal gold deposits in Mexico (Camprubi & Albinson, 2006).

  • - The Ore deposit was formed from Miocene to Pliocene (between 10,7Ma - 5,6 Ma), this time period is contemporaneous during the first 2.5 Ma with magmatic bodies dated on the area by Mantilla et al, (2009; 2011). This magmatism had a strong relationship with the actual configuration of deposit, evidenced on stable isotopes result and the temperature pikes (second stage mainly). Them this magmatism could over printed marginal porphyritic features to the deposit in the second stage, evidenced on the temperature (390°C), high temperature mineralogy, and caused environments with intermediate sulfidation characteristics.

  • - Stable isotopes of δ 18O, δ 2H, allow to infer that the mineralizing fluids were a mixture of meteoric and magmatic waters where the latter are dominant.

  • - Stable isotopes of 534S, show a magmatic reservoir to the mineralization principally, and other possible reservoir is from sedimentary metamorphic rocks of Bucaramanga Neis, one of the host rocks in the area.

  • - The alteration minerals like Sericite, carbonates and illite shows that mineralizing fluids were neutral, except on the postmineral stage that be shallower and environment more oxidant the ph was more acid (alunite, kaolinite and halloysite).

  • - The identified gold is associated to tennantite and low-iron sphalerite, this was possibly carried by bi- sulphides complexes, according to neutral pH, homogenization temperature and the ore deposit formation depth.

  • - Although free phase silver not was identified, this chemical element is part of the tennantite composition, where it is found in high proportions.


  • - Make a petrographic, geochemical and geochronology study of the intrusive bodies outcropping in the NE of Vetas town, in order to differentiate accurately Miocene (Pliocene?) igneous pulses there, clearly determine their chemical characteristics and their associated tectonic environment.

  • - Date directly the metallic mineralization with methods like Re/Os in molybdenite.

  • - Produce a hydrothermal alteration map and make a review of drilling hunches in order to establish their possible association with porphyry ore deposit.


The authors would like to thank The United States Geological Survey (USGC), Universidad Nacional de Colombia and the IGAC Geographic Institute for their collaboration in the development of analytical process. In addition, the authors are very grateful to the CB Gold Company for logistical support and all artisanal miners who allowed us to work on their projects and be in their tunnels.


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How to cite item Rojas Barbosa, S., Molano Mendoza, J. C., & Cramer, T. (2020). Petrography, microthermometry, and isotopy of the gold veins from Vetas, Santander (Colombia). Earth Sciences Research Journal, 24(1), 5-18. DOI:

Received: March 22, 2018; Accepted: April 24, 2019

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