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MORENO MONTORO, María Isabel. Personal relationships: survival of educacion in arts within the school context. sophia [online]. 2014, vol.10, n.1, pp.138-144. ISSN 1794-8932.

In the following text you will find an analysis of the lack of collaboration within the school context in regard to the Education in Arts and how to solve this difficult issue through strategies based on healthy personal relationships. We will start by pointing out some clues to understand the problematic and therefore to bring forward an analysis of the situation in which a proposal for an attitude of resiliency as a means of survival as well as some flexibility to adjustment will be stated contributing methodologically speaking to the survival. Based on this, several situations can be given in order to favor collaboration among the different educative levels resulting in collective learning. We hereby present two situations to be analyzed. The first one is the formal relationship through the participation of the Educative centers that have adopted the Community Learning Model. The second one is to establish an informal relationship given in association by the complicity of teachers at different levels from elementary school to media and university levels, programing joined activities to benefit the educative practice providing collective learning among the participants. One of the direct consequences we offer as a conclusion is the achievement of placing the students (teaching, elementary and media) in real contexts to watch how teachers interact especially in regard to what concerns us: Arts Education. Another important consequence of collaboration is to hold up to the battle of keeping Arts Education alive. Arts Education is an essential line to citizenship; the methodological plurality and diverse strategies make collaboration necessary since by increasing the number of participants the examples will multiply.

Keywords : Arts Education; collaboration; complicity; learning communities; survival.

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