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Print version ISSN 0012-7353
AYALA-APONTE, Alfredo and CADENA-G., Martha Isabel. The influence of osmotic pretreatments on melon (Cucumis melo L.) quality during frozen storage. Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas [online]. 2014, vol.81, n.186, pp.81-86. ISSN 0012-7353.
The aim of work was to evaluate the influence of using osmotic dehydration (OD) on drip loss (DL), volume (V), total color change (DE), and firmness of Cucumis melo L. samples (Cantaloupe variety), stored under freezing conditions. The samples were dehydrated up to two humidity levels (75 and 85%, w.b.), using an osmotic sucrose solution with 55ºBrix, at 27± 0.2ºC. The dehydrated samples were frozen at -40ºC and then stored at -18ºC for 1, 15 and 30 days. Fresh fruit samples (non-osmotic treatment) were used as control duringthe frozen storage time. The results showed that the treated samples had significantly (p<0.05) lower DL, V, and DE, compared to the untreated ones along the freezing process. The firmness was significantly (p<0.05) greater in treated samples. The quality of osmotic-treated samples was higher than non-treated ones. However, treated samples with a lower content of humidity (75%, w.b.) showed greater firmness and lower loss in color and volume.
Keywords : Freezing; Osmotic dehydration; Cantaloupe melon; osmodehydrofreezing.