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Print version ISSN 0012-7353


TORRES-SANDOVAL, Fabian Alfredo. Determination of unsafe behavior in bus drivers and its relationship to traffic accidents. Case study of a company of public transport in Colombia. Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas [online]. 2017, vol.84, n.203, pp.263-272. ISSN 0012-7353.

A cross-sectional observational study with descriptive and analytical approach that aims at determining unsafe behavior of bus drivers from a company of public transportation and its relation to traffic accidents was conducted in a probability sample of 127 drivers. The results showed that drivers performed an average of 86.86 unsafe driving behaviors for every two hours of travel time; the most frequent behavior was speeding, while not keeping a safe distance was the main cause of the company's bus accidents. The correlation between unsafe behavior and causes of accidents in the company was positive but non-significant. The information gathered will allow to modify behaviors from unsafe to safe, as a future strategy for the improvement of road safety.

Keywords : Unsafe behaviors; bus drivers; traffic accidents; non-participatory observation..

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