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Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7434


GAITAN-DUARTE, Hernando Guillermo  y  GRUPO DESARROLLADOR DE LA GUIA DE MANEJO SINDROMICO ITS Y OTRAS ITG et al. Clinical practice guideline for syndromic management of patients with sexually transmitted infections and other genital tract infections - 2013. Rev Colomb Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2013, vol.64, n.2, pp.126-177. ISSN 0034-7434.

Objective: To reduce practice variability in the management of genital tract infections and sexually transmitted infections, and provide healthcare practitioners that care for patients with GTIs/STDs with the most recent evidence on the effectiveness and safety of the interventions for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention; and to create indicators to track the implementation of the guideline and its impact on public health. Materials and methods: A development team was set up with the participation of different healthcare professionals and patient representatives. Relevant clinical questions were asked and a search was conducted in the national and international guideline repositories. The existing guidelines were evaluated for quality and applicability. Considering that none of the guidelines met the criteria for adoption, it was decided to develop a de novo guideline. A search of systematic reviews and meta-analysis, clinical trials and observational studies was conducted in the pubmed, ovid, embase, cochrane and lilacs databases. Evidence tables and recommendations were prepared using the grade approach on the basis of the informal and formal consensus methodology. Results: The “Clinical Practice Guideline” is presented, including the recommendations and support evidence for prevention, diagnosis and treatment in terms of effectiveness and safety, and follow-up of cervicitis, urethritis, genital ulcer, vaginal discharge, scrotal inflammation and inguinal bubo. Conclusions: The core recommendation for implementation is patient management using a single dose and expedite treatment of the partner whenever possible. The Guideline must be updated in three years.

Palabras clave : Clinical practice guideline; sexually transmitted infections; reproductive tract infections; cervicitis, urethritis; vaginal discharge; genital ulcer.

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