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Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría

Print version ISSN 0034-7450


MILLAN GONZALEZ, Ricardo. A Polymorfous and Multifactorial Entinty: Depression in Dialyzed Patients. rev.colomb.psiquiatr. [online]. 2009, vol.38, n.3, pp.522-533. ISSN 0034-7450.

Introduction: Chronic renal failure prevalence is increasing worldwide. To correctly treat mood disorders in this population, it is imperative to make a correct differential diagnosis and to take into account all the complex interactions between psychosocial and biologic issues. Method: To review the literature concerning mood disorders in the dialyzed population. Results: The most prevalent psychiatric conditions found in this group are anxiety and depression. The clinical assessment of the former is complicated by its symptomatologic overlapping with cronic renal failure. This could explain why many studies show different prevalence rates, depending on the scale used, its way application and diagnostic approach. Conclusions: The management of patient in dialysis must include multidisciplinary teams whose psychotherapeutic strategies taking into account individual, family and the systemic interactions that are generated within the dialysis unit. Additionally, it is important to consider the vicious circle between depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment and cerebrovascular disease. The condition could be much more complex than initially thought, with permanent injury to small brain vessels that would explain, at least in part, the poor response to antidepressants in these patients.

Keywords : Renal dialysis; depression; quality of life.

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