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Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
versão impressa ISSN 0034-7450
CAMPO-ARIAS, Adalberto; OVIEDO, Heidi Celina e HERAZO, Edwin. Stigma: Barrier to Access to Mental Health Services. rev.colomb.psiquiatr. [online]. 2014, vol.43, n.3, pp.162-167. ISSN 0034-7450.
Background: The perceived stigma represents a sociocultural barrier to access mental health services and prevents individuals who meet criteria for a mental disorder the possibility of receiving comprehensive and integred care. Objective: To update institutionalmechanisms bywhich stigma related to mental disorders, perceived and perpetrated, acts as a barrier to mental health access. Results: Stigmaas abarriertoaccesstomentalhealthservicesisduetoa reduction inservice requests, the allocation of limited resources to mental health, the systematic process of impoverishment of the people who suffer a mental disorder, increased risk of crime, and implications in contact with the legal system, and the invisibility of the vulnerability of these people. Conclusions: Structured awareness and education programs are needed to promote awareness about mental disorders, promote community-based psychosocial rehabilitation, and reintegration into productive life process. In Colombia, the frequency and variables associated with the stigma of mental disorders needs to be studied. This knowledge will enable the implementation of measures to promote the social and labor inclusion of people who meet the criteria for mental disorders.
Palavras-chave : Social stigma; Prejudice; Social discrimination; Mental disorders; Health services accessibility; Review.