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Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
Print version ISSN 0034-7450
SANCHEZ DIAZ, Natalia; OSORIO, Andrés Duarte; GOMEZ RESTREPO, Carlos and BOHORQUEZ PENARANDA, Adriana Patricia. Implementation of a Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Adults With Schizophrenia in Colombia. rev.colomb.psiquiatr. [online]. 2016, vol.45, n.2, pp.60-66. ISSN 0034-7450.
Objectives: To present overall strategies and activities for the implementation process of the recommendations contained in the clinical practice guideline for the management of adults with schizophrenia (GPCE) published by the Colombian Ministry of Health and Welfare (MSPS). Prioritize the proposed recommendations, identify barriers and solving strategies to implement the GPCE, and develop a monitoring and evaluation system for the key recommendations. Method: The Guideline Developer Group (GDG) included professionals with primary dedication to implementation issues that accompanied the entire process. During the GDG meetings implementation topics were identified and discussed, and later complemented by literature reviews concerning the experience of mental health guidelines implementation at national and international level. Additionally, feedback from the discussions raised during the socialization meetings, and joint meetings with the MSPS and the Institute of Technology Assessment in Health (IETS) were included. The prioritization of recommendations was made in conjunction with the GDG, following the proposed steps in the methodological guide for the development of Clinical Practice Guidelines with Economic Evaluation in the General System of Social Security in Colombian Health (GMEGPC) using the tools 13 and 14. The conclusions and final adjustments were discussed with the GPCE leaders. Results: The implementation chapter includes a description of the potential barriers, solution strategies, facilitators and monitoring indicators. The identified barriers were categorized in the following 3 groups: Cultural context, health system and proposed interventions. The issues related to solving strategies and facilitating education programs include community mental health, mental health training for health workers in primary care, decentralization and integration of mental health services at the primary care level, use of technologies information and communication and telemedicine. To monitor and evaluate o the implementation process, five (5) indicators were designed one (1) structure, two (2) process and two (2) outcome indicators. Conclusion: The GPCE implementation within the Colombian General health System of Social Security (SGSSSC) poses multiple challenges. Potential barriers, enabling strategies and indicators for monitoring and evaluation described in this article, can provide efficient support to ensure the success of this process in the institutions that will adopt the guideline.
Keywords : Clinical Practice Guidelines; Schizophrenia; Implementation; Barriers and facilitators; Indicators.