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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

Print version ISSN 0120-0011


GONZALEZ-CONSUEGRA, Renata Virginia; MATIZ-VERA, Gustavo David; HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, Julián Daniel  and  GUZMAN-CARRILLO, Lizeth Xiomara. Integral plan nursing care of people with pressure ulcers. [online]. 2015, vol.63, n.1, pp.69-80. ISSN 0120-0011.

Background. Pressure Ulcers are a public health problem that affects the patient, their family and the health care system; causing suffering to affect their quality of life. The treatment results in high costs for the institution and increases the workload on the health care team. Nursing interventions to plan effective, timely and individualized care in people with pressure ulcers, are based on integral evaluation of the person, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation taxonomies using NANDA-NIC-NOC, the let them answer questions about the safety, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of nursing practice. Objectives. Propose a plan of integral nursing care for people with pressure ulcers. Material and methods. Systematic review of scientific literature of the last 5 years in the Medline, CINAHL, LILACS, FECYT, Embase y SciELO. Results. Building a flexible plan of nursing care based on scientific evidence, resulting from the findings of the systematic review, to guide decision making in the integral care of people with pressure ulcers and contributes to the quality of health services improving the quality of life related to health. Conclusions. It is necessary to provide integral care based on scientific evidence conducive to establish preventive measures to guide effective nursing intervention and individualized guarantor of damage limitation and timely rehabilitation of persons with Pressure Ulcers, contributing to the development and visibility discipline.

Keywords : Nursing Care; Pressure Ulcer; prevention and control; Diagnosis; Treatment.

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