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Ideas y Valores
Print version ISSN 0120-0062
PACHON SOTO, DAMIÁN. Historiography, Eurocentrism, and Universality in Enrique Dussel. Ideas y Valores [online]. 2012, vol.61, n.148, pp.37-58. ISSN 0120-0062.
The article examines Enrique Dussel's critique of the traditional historiography of philosophy and of the hegemonic, Eurocentric view of modernity, both of which have served to conceal the participation of other peoples in the constitution of Europe. This critique makes possible a new understanding of the present, in which European philosophy can enter into dialogue with other philosophical traditions in order to build what Dussel calls a "philosophical transmodernity". This is precisely the critical objective pursued in France by Michel Onfray.
Keywords : E. Dussel; M. Onfray; Eurocentrism; modernity.