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Ideas y Valores

Print version ISSN 0120-0062


REY, DAVID; CUBIDES, PABLO  and  GONZALEZ, DAVID. REALISM AND ANTI-REALISM IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF MICHAEL DUMMETT. Ideas y Valores [online]. 2018, vol.67, suppl.4, pp.165-202. ISSN 0120-0062.

One of Michael Dummett's main contributions to contemporary philosophy was the idea that certain traditional metaphysical disputes could be reformulated by means of a semantic characterization of realism and anti-realism. On the basis of this characterization, Dummett proposed a bottom-up approach to those disputes, which consisted in setting the metaphysical disagreements between realists and anti-realists by formulating semantic theories for certain sets of statements. In this article, we argue that Dummett's characterization does not capture the traditional metaphysical disputes at stake, and from this we conclude that it fails to provide an adequate basis for the bottom-up approach.

Keywords : M. Dummett; anti-realism; bottom-up approach; realism.

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