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Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología

Print version ISSN 0120-0976


COGOLLO-OSPINA, Sonia Natalia  and  TORO TAMAYO, Luis Carlos. Role of Human Rights Photographic Archives in the Collective Memory. Rev. Interam. Bibliot [online]. 2016, vol.39, n.1, pp.71-83. ISSN 0120-0976.

It is made a review of researchs and documents focused in the relation between photography and collective memory trough photoarchives of human rights, and the function that have the museums, documentation centers or memory places where they are. For the material's selection it was attended to their availability in indexed databases with prestige: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ, and Dialnet, with descriptors as photograph and memory, photoarchive, collective memory and museums, and papers between 2006 and 2015. The material is organized in function of a series of questions about the conservation of a photoarchive and its role in collective memory of vulnerable population. The memory places reflects a tension between political interests and the vulnerable population's need for expression and for to testify about the human's right's violations. The photographic material organization set up difficults respect the conservation and classification with the quantity of digital images that are produced today.

Keywords : memory places; collective memory; photoarchives; photograph and memory.

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