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Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología

Print version ISSN 0120-0976


CASTANO-MUNOZ, Wilson; MUNERA-TORRES, María Teresa  and  URIBE-TIRADO, Alejandro. Where Should the ICT Training Go at the Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecología? A Look from Library Education Programs in Latin America and Global Trends. Rev. Interam. Bibliot [online]. 2018, vol.41, n.2, pp.135-151. ISSN 0120-0976.

The purpose of this study is to identify how current and related the education in information and communication technologies - ICT for the program of Library and Information Science of the University of Antioquia is according with library education in Latin America and the ICT global trends. A compilation of the different undergraduate programs of library and information science was conducted for Latin American countries. The results are compared with the trends that several studies from different countries reveal about where ICT education should lead for new and future librarians. Findings reveal many commonalities for the topics on ICT in library science programs in Latin America, not only among them, but also in relation to those taught in the Interamerican School of Library and Information Science - ISLIS. However, the international trends on ICT that will impact the information sciences differ significantly from the contents offered in Latin America and ISLIS of the University of Antioquia. Hence, this study suggests the need to review these international trends and reflect on their incorporation into the library and information science curricula.

Keywords : Library and Information Science; ICT; curricula; trends; Latin America; Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecología (EIB)..

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