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Revista ION
Print version ISSN 0120-100X
GARCIA SANCHEZ, Gabriel Fernando; CHACON VELASCO, Jorge Luis and CHAVES GUERRERO, Arlex. Modelling of combustion in Diesel engines: a review of the state of the art. Rev. ion [online]. 2013, vol.26, n.1, pp.41-54. ISSN 0120-100X.
The study of the combustion process in Diesel engines has been for years a subject of great interest mainly due to the increasing need to improve engine performance, reduce fuel consumption and reduce the pollutant emissions. Experimental studies have the disadvantage of require enormous efforts, money and time, that is the reason why computer models are used to study the combustion process in a more economical and practical way. This article presents a review of the most relevant Diesel engine combustion models developed nationally and internationally, to give the reader an insight of the evolution and current status of such models.
Keywords : combustion modeling; diesel engines; thermodynamics models; multidimensional models.