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Franciscanum. Revista de las Ciencias del Espíritu

versão impressa ISSN 0120-1468


GRASSI, Martín. Phenomenology and Philosophy of Religion according to Henry Duméry. Franciscanum [online]. 2012, vol.54, n.158, pp.53-81. ISSN 0120-1468.

Abstract In order to find a proper method for a philosophy of religion as an autonomous and rigorous discipline, Duméry examines the diverse methods adopted throughout the history of thought to face the religious phenomenon, and so be able to propose a definite one: the method of discrimination. This method will take advantage of the method of comprehension (the phenomenological method) so as to complete it with an ontology and an axiology that respects and clarifies the dynamism of the spirit towards the Absolute in its own way to liberation. Religion, thus, is the historical and cultural expression of this dynamism through its conceptual and imaginative mediations -categories and schemes-in which the Absolute itself is revealed. The critical and judgmental dimension of philosophy of religion attempts to purify these objective mediations in order to make possible an authentic development of a subjectivity that is called to realization within its exigency of Absolute.

Palavras-chave : Philosophy of religion; Phenomenology; God; Institution; Spiritual Dynamism.

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