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Acta Agronómica
versión impresa ISSN 0120-2812
ROSERO ALPALA, Jaime et al. Sowing systems of Cratylia argentea cultivar veranera in two localities of the valle del río Cauca, Colombia. Acta Agron. [online]. 2010, vol.59, n.4, pp.429-434. ISSN 0120-2812.
Cratylia is forage specie in growing importance for the cattle rising in the tropic. It is originate from Goiás, Brazilian region characterized by acid typical soils of the Cerrado. One investigated regarding the answer efficiency in the emergency and survival of Cratylia in two contrasting soils. Quilichao Cauca with acids soils, and Palmira Valle with conventional agricultural soils. The experiment behaved in divided parcels. The effect of the cultivation system was determined (direct in field and transplant) with four treatments of Rhizobiu-nitrogen (18 N, 18N+inoculant, inoculants only and control) and four phosphorus levels (0, 20, 40, 80 % P). The emergency fluctuated among 85-97% y 78-92% to those 25 y 35 days post field for Quilichao and Palmira respectively. Plants survival for direct in field Vs. transplant it fluctuates among 94-97% in Quilichao and 79-88% in Palmira. The period of establishment presented highly significant differences among towns (P < 0.01) with 147 days in Quilichao (more than 90% establishment) for direct in field and with transplant, regarding the opposing ones in Palmira (smaller to 50% establishment to the 210 days) for direct in field and with transplant. The establishment of Cratylia was affected by the alkaline soils with low assimilable iron of Palmira (P < 0.05). The establishment speed was not affected by plant in field system, neither the time of establishment improved with nitrogen fertilization and phosphorus neither with the inoculation with Rhizobium sp.
Palabras clave : Cratylia argentea; establishment; fertilization; inoculation; Rhizobium.