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Acta Agronómica

Print version ISSN 0120-2812


GARCIA-PACHECO, Yair E.; CABRERA, Danelys  and  FUENMAYOR, Carlos Alberto. Obtaining and characterizing composite flours from Cucúrbita moschata D. and Cajanus cajan L as an alternative protein and vitamin A source. Acta Agron. [online]. 2020, vol.69, n.2, pp.89-96.  Epub Aug 09, 2021. ISSN 0120-2812.

Use of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) and ahuyama (Cucurbita moschata D.) was studied as a nutritional and technologically viable alternative for the elaboration of composite flour for food products preparation rich in protein and vitamin A for traditional consumption by the Colombian population. For this purpose, the main stages of the processing of the vegetable matrices during the conversion into flours were evaluated. The nutritional composition was determined including the total carotenoid content of the squash flour and the amino acid profile of the protein of the pigeon pea flour. Flours were characterized by particle size distribution and functional properties. It was found that from both matrices it is possible to obtain flour-type products, with properties suitable for their use on a commercial scale as concentrated sources of nutrients. To confirm the results, the flours were used in mixtures provided to produce food products (drink, arepa and bread) in formulations that meet the descriptors: ‘high’ in vitamin A and ‘high’ or ‘good’ in protein, as well as good sensory acceptability characteristics. The study showed that composite flours are excellent sources of protein and vitamin A for beverages. The percentages of contribution of pigeon pea flour were established between 81.78% and 74.95% and those of ahuyama flour between 18.22% and 25.05%, to reach the values established in nutrient diets both for children over 4 years of age and for adults. The composite flour corresponding to the formulation high in protein and vitamin A is an alternative for the elaboration of beverages rich in these nutrients for the Colombian population, since it complies with all the requirements of Colombian legislation.

Keywords : Carotenoids; Essential amino acids; Functional food; Nutrition; Protein.

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