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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia

versión impresa ISSN 0120-2952


SIERRA, Y D. et al. Gastrointestinal parasites in captive wild mammals at the fauna center from San Emigdio, Palmira (Colombia). Rev. Med. Vet. Zoot. [online]. 2020, vol.67, n.3, pp.230-238.  Epub 05-Mayo-2021. ISSN 0120-2952.

Intestinal parasitosis in wild mammals is one of the main complications due to the exogenous conditions of captivity. They predispose the animal to physiological complications or secondary infections that prevent its rehabilitation and reintroduction. The objective is to determine the presence of gastrointestinal parasites in wild mammals from the Wildlife Care and Valuation Center of the San Emigdio Environmental Education Center, San Emigdio, Palmira (Colombia). Fecal samples were taken from 25 captive animals in Care and Valuation Center being analyzed using two techniques: a) assembly with 0.85% saline solution and 1% lugol solution and b) saturated solution flotation technique (Sheather) with a density of 1.28g/ml, with a 36% of positivity. Enterobius vermicularis, Fasciola sp., Entamoeba sp. and Ancylostoma sp. were found. The group of non-human primates had higher parasitic intensity compared to felines, canines and other mammals in the study. The identified microorganisms are recognized as parasites causing complications in captive animals and in free life; likewise, they are classified as possible zoonotic risks.

Palabras clave : zoonoses; nematode; protozoa; trematode; wildlife.

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