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Colombian Journal of Anestesiology

Print version ISSN 0120-3347


BONILLA R, Antonio José; PEDRAZA MANTILLA, Pompilio  and  GUATIVA SUESCUN, Martha. Aspectos Perioperatorios del Trasplante Renal. Rev. colomb. anestesiol. [online]. 2007, vol.35, n.1, pp.67-74. ISSN 0120-3347.

Organ transplantation is a therapeutic option for some pathologies of irreversible character. In the world during the past few years the indications for renal transplant have been extended. Patients with diseases of ominous prognosis like Diabetes Mellitus (DM), Hypertensive Nefroesclerosis, Glomerulonefritis and renal cystic disease, causes of ESRD, and patients with associated pathologies like ventricular disfunción, autoinmunes diseases, sickle cell anemia, obesity and hepatitis B according on the expresses antigen, could see in renal transplantation an option to increase their life expectancy and with better QOL. Everything by means of a safe procedure, Nowadays the mortality of the receptor is near the 0,03%. 1 the success of the transplant is indirectly proportional to the time of pretransplants dialysis dependency and the understanding of the pathophysiology of the ESRD improves the prognosis of these patients. 2 the ESRD patient raises to the anestesiólogist a challenge in the anesthetic visualization of the clinical scenario and its implications. The following revision tries to include aspects of the perioperative assesment of renal transplantation in a clear and concise way, emphasizing in important aspects and naming some others briefly. It is an extensive subject, partially unexplored and where the evidence based medicine even has a long way to cross.

Keywords : Renal transplantation; perioperative review.

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