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Desarrollo y Sociedad

Print version ISSN 0120-3584


MENDOZA CUELLO, Dannyra Tatiana  and  MELO VIEIRA, Joice. The gender wage gap in Brazil and Colombia: Navigating work-family balance. Desarro. soc. [online]. 2024, n.97, pp.11-31.  Epub May 01, 2024. ISSN 0120-3584.

Women’s wages are determined according to family composition, particularly the presence of children. In article, we analyze to what extent maternity can serve as a differential factor that penalizes women’s wages in the Colombian and Brazilian labor markets. Using the Heckman selection model and data from the Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua (PNADC) for Brazil and the Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH) for Colombia, spanning from 2012 to 2019, the study reveals noteworthy insights. Results indicate a maternity penalty of 5.4% per child in Colombia in 2012, increasing to 7.9% per child in 2019, and 10.9% and 12.0% per child in Brazil for the same years, respectively. Despite the growing involvement of women into the Colombian and Brazilian labor markets, traditional gender roles in the family persist, posing challenges in balancing work and family obligations.

Keywords : wage; gender role; gender division labor; working mothers; Brazil; Colombia.

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