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Theologica Xaveriana

versión impresa ISSN 0120-3649


GONZALEZ BERNAL, Edith. The Mystical Experience in the Holy Scripture. Theol. Xave. [online]. 2015, vol.65, n.180, pp.353-380. ISSN 0120-3649.

The Holy Scripture testifies the genuine and gratuitous experience of God in the life of men and women. Both Testaments speak of an action that, as an irresistible force, embraces all the human being. In fact, this action seduces, takes possession and empowers to communicate it and pass it on. Thus, the mystical experience in the biblical context is shown as an inner and spiritual process that is originated on an encounter that creates a sublime knowledge and has an intense affective repercussion.

Palabras clave : Experiencia; mística; revelación; misterio; mística bíblica.

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