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Theologica Xaveriana
Print version ISSN 0120-3649
SANTAMARIA RODRIGUEZ, Juan Esteban. Theology of Historical Reality. Epistemic Appropriation from Ignacio Ellacuría. Theol. Xave. [online]. 2018, vol.68, n.186, pp.164-192. ISSN 0120-3649.
This article proposes a theology of historical reality in light of Ignacio Ellacuría’s theological writings and in dialogue with some authors who have appropriated his thought. For this purpose, it is considered as a constitutive principle the intellective-sentient act of the believer, and its unfolding as a criterion for the experience of the Christian faith from three interrelated dimensions: “taking charge” of reality, “carrying” reality and “be in charge” of reality. Therefore, this theology points out the urgency of a historical-salvific praxis of the believer, the Church, and theology from the human praxis of the historically crucified peoples whose purpose is the establishment of the Kingdom of God.
Keywords : Historic reality; sentient intelligence; theological place; theologal praxis; Christian spirituality; Ignacio Ellacuría.