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Revista Colombiana de Educación
Print version ISSN 0120-3916
SUASNABAR, Claudio and ISOLA, Nicolás. Tomas Amadeo Vasconi and the Radicalization of Political-Pedagogical Thought During 60' and 70'. Rev. colomb. educ. [online]. 2011, n.61, pp.201-219. ISSN 0120-3916.
Abstract 1950' and 1960' were a period of time with big changes for every Latin America country. The convergence of these changes involved a wide and diverse range of political projects sharing a desire to develop a deep social change. All of these processes were developed in a context of a «New Left» as well as an emergence of several guerrilla organizations in the region. So the presence of Tomas Amadeo Vasconi is a «paradigm» as a biographical guide followed by many thinkers from social and education sciences during troubled 1960' and 1970' which began a political radicalization process. This paper discusses several stages of his former educational-functional thought developed in Argentina; also, Chile where he becomes Marxist thanks to French structuralism; and finally, the exile in Panama, Venezuela and Cuba where his reflection was focused on military dictatorship and the failed Latin America revolution. Finally this paper reveals an author who has been relevant to discuss educational and political issues of those troubled decades.
Keywords : Vasconi; thinkers; pedagogical thought; reproductive education; Marxism.