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vol.43 suppl.1The conventional diagnosis challenge: Real-time PCR and nested PCR correlation with the scoring system for individuals at high-risk of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumoniaCandida auris: a global pathogen that has taken root in Colombia author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Print version ISSN 0120-4157On-line version ISSN 2590-7379


Q. SMITH, Daniel F.  and  CASADEVALL, Arturo. Disaster mycology. Biomed. [online]. 2023, vol.43, suppl.1, pp.267-277.  Epub Aug 31, 2023. ISSN 0120-4157.

Natural and human-made disasters have long played a role in shaping the environment and microbial communities, also affecting non-microbial life on Earth. Disaster microbiology is a new concept based on the notion that a disaster changes the environment causing adaptation or alteration of microbial populations-growth, death, transportation to a new area, development traits, or resistance-that can have downstream effects on the affected ecosystem. Such downstream effects include blooms of microbial populations and the ability to colonize a new niche or host, cause disease, or survive in former extreme conditions. Throughout history, fungal populations have been affected by disasters. There are prehistoric archeological records of fungal blooms after asteroid impacts and fungi implicated in the fall of the dinosaurs. In recent times, drought and dust storms have caused disturbance of soil fungi, and hurricanes have induced the growth of molds on wet surfaces, resulting in an increased incidence of fungal disease. Probably, the anticipated increase in extreme heat would force fungi adaptation to survive at high temperatures, like those in the human body, and thus be able to infect mammals. This may lead to a drastic rise of new fungal diseases in humans.

Keywords : Mycology; fungi; climate change; Candida auris; natural disasters..

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