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Universitas Humanística

versão impressa ISSN 0120-4807


URIBE MALLARINO, Consuelo. Interdisciplinary Research: Collaboration, Crossing or Overcoming of the Disciplines?. univ.humanist. [online]. 2012, n.73, pp.147-172. ISSN 0120-4807.

This article examines the meaning and the state of the art of inter- and transdisciplinary research. After contextualizing the historical emergence of interdisciplinarity, we propose some definitions, discuss the role of disciplines and examine the calling for non-expert knowledge to join the dialogue in interdisciplinary research, linking this process with university structures and other institutions of knowledge production. We then present the trends in interdisciplinary research in various parts of the world as well as in Colombia, and describe the existing barriers to interdisciplinary work.

Palavras-chave : interdisciplinarity; transdisciplinarity; research; dialogue of knowledge.

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