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Universitas Humanística

Print version ISSN 0120-4807


MORA-GAMEZ, Fredy. Acknowledging Victims of the Armed Conflict in Colombia: On the Representation Technologies and State Configurations. univ.humanist. [online]. 2016, n.82, pp.75-101. ISSN 0120-4807.

This work addresses the expert and administrative procedures implied in the Unique Victim Registry (RUV) by means of the ethnographic tracking of the practices surrounding the Unique Statement Form (FUD), which materializes acknowledgement of the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia. In this regard, the RUV and FUD are questioned as technologies which reconfigure the Colombian State and a part of their trajectories is described. This research discusses how acknowledging the victims transforms the experiences of those who are acknowledged and those who acknowledge. Also, it explores an approach to the structure of the State, particularly from the practices which configure a particular notion of victim met in the different state projects.

Keywords : acknowledgement of victims; victims law; State ethnography; social studies of science; reconhecimento de vítimas; etnografia do Estado.

        · abstract in Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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