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Universitas Humanística

versão impressa ISSN 0120-4807


PEREZ ENCISO, Héctor Andrés. Issues, Actors, and Decisions in Public Policy. Analytical Framework for the Study of Student Loan Programs in Colombia. univ.humanist. [online]. 2017, n.83, pp.247-273. ISSN 0120-4807.

This paper proposes an analytical framework for the study of decision-making processes associated with the implementation of student loans in Colombia, as a public policy device, aimed at promoting access to higher education. The conceptual approach and the methodology herein contain elements of the complexity paradigm and its relevance in public policy analysis. This framework of analysis focuses on studying the relationship between public policy actors, issues, and decisions, which reveals explanatory elements of the policy-making process, from the definition of the issue to the making of the decision. This paper concludes with an outline on how the development and implementation of student loan programs in Colombia, promoted by the Instituto Colombiano de Crédito Educativo y Estudios Técnicos en el Exterior (ICETEX), are suitable to be analyzed from the conceptual and methodological approach proposed herein.

Palavras-chave : complexity; public policies; government agenda; public problems; actors; decisionmaking process.

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