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Investigación y Educación en Enfermería

Print version ISSN 0120-5307On-line version ISSN 2216-0280


DE OLIVEIRA GOMES, Vera Lúcia; SCHUBERT BACKES, Vânia Marli; COELHO DE SOUZA PADILHA, Maria Itayra  and  DE CEZAR VAZ, Marta Regina. Evolution of scientific knowledge in the nursing field: the popular care of construction of theories. Invest. educ. enferm [online]. 2007, vol.25, n.2, pp.108-115. ISSN 0120-5307.

Objective: to relate the evolution of scientific knowledge of nursing with the proper history of modern nursing. Methodology: it is a question of theoretical reflection achieved by literary revision. Results: four expressive phases were identified and characterized as: "the contribution of Florence Nightingale, the technic dominion, the advent of scientific principles and the construction of Nursing Theories". In the first one, one the focal of the investigation was centralized on "what to do?"; in the second one, trying to investigate scientific principles based-on "why to do it?". At this moment it is dedicated to scientific research nursing investigate "what is your proper knowledge?" Conclusions: Evidently, there are unquestionably, the advance of nursing in the search of its identity, remains as a task in the struggle for acknowledging the profession, with the adoption of strategies that permit to legitimate knowledge produced, with the use of proper theories to found their research, for example, like the conquest of new and interesting spaces, either for the implementation of the process of caring for application and re-application of theories.

Keywords : Nursing; history of nursing; scientific knowledge.

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