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Acta Biológica Colombiana
Print version ISSN 0120-548X
AGUILAR SIERRA, CLARA ISABEL and SMITH PARDO, ALLAN HENRY. Bees visiting Mimosa pigra L. (Mimosaceae): foraging behavior and pollen loads. Acta biol.Colomb. [online]. 2009, vol.14, n.1, pp.109-120. ISSN 0120-548X.
We studied the pollen loads of 13 taxa of wild bees visiting the flowers of Mimosa pigra on the influence zone of the Dam Project Porce II (Antioquia, Colombia). Out of 21 different pollen types, M. pigra represents the higuest percentage; Mimosa pudica, Piper aduncum, Solanum diversifolium, Warszewiczia coccinea and Psidium guajava, in that order, were also abundant, and are alternative sources of pollen for the different kinds of bees recorded. Among the species of bees collected, we differentiate several groups: one of them, includes seven species of bees whose pollen loads are in a high porcentaje of M. pigra (86% of pollen grains or above); another group of bees with high percentage (more than 94%) of pollen grains of Mimosa species (M. pigra and M. pudica); and the other two groups that include the bee species: Trigona dorsalis (who collected more than half of their pollen resources from M. pigra (59.4%) in addition to a high percentage of S. diversifolium (37.8%); the last kind of foragers includes Lasioglossum sp.113 who collected mostly pollen from species different to Mimosa (including P. aduncum with 61.8% of pollen grains, and W. coccinea with 36,4%) and only a small percentage of M. pigra (1,3%). In terms of the species of bees that collected a highest diversity of pollen grains, two species: Trigona muzoensis (12 pollen types) and T. dorsalis (10 pollen types) outstand other species of bees on on feeding niche and question either the bees capacity of cleaning or their floral constancy.
Keywords : Mimosa pigra; Pollen loads; Pollen types; Bees; Pollination.