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Revista Salud Uninorte

versión impresa ISSN 0120-5552versión On-line ISSN 2011-7531


ARBOLEDA-CAMPO, VÍCTOR HUGO et al. Geography of the fragility of older people, residents of Popayán (Colombia), 2021. Salud, Barranquilla [online]. 2024, vol.40, n.2, pp.492-511.  Epub 02-Dic-2024. ISSN 0120-5552.


To locate with georeference the frail participants residing in the selected neighborhoods in the city of Popayán (Colombia).

Material and methods:

Cross-sectional study with a sample of 501 people aged 60 and over, in terms of geolocation, Google Earth and Qgis 2.16 software was used to prepare the thematic maps, the frailty variable was taken using the FRAIL scale, under the determinants approach.


8.0 % of the people surveyed were classified as at risk of frailty, of which 54.0 % were women, with an average age of 71 years. The distribution of fragility was uneven in the selected neighborhoods, with greater commitment of women.


Variation and increase in the prevalence of frailty was identified, according to age and neighborhoods of Popayán; affecting women, for which those responsible for public health decisions can be favored to plan and manage strategies to address the needs of the population to provide better living conditions in old age.

Palabras clave : spatial analysis, elderly; fragility, medical geography.

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