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Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia

Print version ISSN 0120-6230On-line version ISSN 2357-53280


GARCES-RUIZ, Alejandro. Small-signal stability analysis of dc microgrids considering electric vehicles. Antioquia [online]. 2018, n.89, pp.52-58. ISSN 0120-6230.

This paper presents a generalized model for small signal stability in dc microgrids considering electric vehicles. The proposed model considers four type of terminals, namely: constant power, constant voltage, constant current and constant impedance. A Newton-Raphson methodology is used to calculate the operation point of the microgrid and a sensitivity analysis is also presented. Some general features of the dc microgrid based on the intrinsic characteristics of the model are presented. Simulation results on different type of microgrids show the proposed small signal model is accurate compared to dynamical simulations.

Keywords : dc microgrids; small signal stability; sensitivity analysis; Newton-Raphson method.

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