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Semestre Económico
versión impresa ISSN 0120-6346versión On-line ISSN 2248-4345
CORREA RESTREPO, Francisco; OSORIO MUNERA, Juan David y PATINO VALENCIA, Bernardo. ECONOMIC VALUATION OF NOISE: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY REVIEW. Semest. Econ. [online]. 2011, vol.14, n.spe29, pp.53-75. ISSN 0120-6346.
The objective of this article is to establish the state of art of economic valuation of noise though a broad review of studies done around the world. With these, the concepts, measures and most used methods for economic valuation of noise are explained. Afterwards, the studies done in Europe, United States and Latin America are reviewed within the content analysis method concentrating on the main noise sources like; road, railroad and aircraft traffic. Finally the study concludes that under the light of the different studies, the most relevant impacts of noise are the negative incidence over the price of housing and the troubles perceived by individuals, what generates a high disposition to pay by household the reductions of high noise levels.
Palabras clave : Valuation of environmental impacts; noise; negative externality; paying willingness; Wellbeing economics.