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Revista EAN

On-line version ISSN 0120-8160


LEYVA VALLEJO, Katherine; ALARCON BARRERA, Lina  and  ORTEGON CORTAZAR, Leonardo. Exploration on Web Design and Architecture. Their Application in the Banking Sector from the Customers Perspective. Rev. esc.adm.neg [online]. 2016, n.80, pp.41-58. ISSN 0120-8160.

The study of banking webpages from the customer's perspective turns to be a topic of special interest in the world of digital marketing. Its aim is to explore the digital design and architecture of webpages from some banks with the purpose of collecting information about managing marketing and digital communication. The design is based on an exploration applying the hermeneutic codification analysis technique by using Atlas ti software. Its outcomes show evidences related with letter size, text length, illustrations and browsing speed based on the customer's answers at the time of using digital services.

Keywords : Web architecture; use; browsing speed.

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