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CES Medicina

versión impresa ISSN 0120-8705


ZAPATA GONZALEZ, FRANCHEZCA  y  CARDONA CASTRO, NORA. What we must know about antifungal suceptibility testing. CES Med. [online]. 2012, vol.26, n.1, pp.71-83. ISSN 0120-8705.

The increasing number of fungal infections and the emergence of antifungal resistance, have prompted the development of standardized methods for determining antifungal sensitivity profiles, aiming at obtaining reproducible and adaptable tests that could be done in hospital laboratories for the in vitro determination of resistance as, in most cases, data correlate with an unsatisfactory clinical outcome. Both the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) and the European Committee for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST), have developed guidelines for the interpretation of standardized sensitivity measurements of the various fungal species to current antifungal compounds. In the Colombian scientific literature, few data are available on antifungal sensitivity; however, with the increasing number of antifungal resistant isolates, it is necessary to begin collecting our own data. This paper reviews recent publications in PubMed regarding the various methods of antifungal susceptibility testing and highlights their usefulness in clinical practice

Palabras clave : Sensitivity test for antifungals; Minimal inhibitory concentration; Antifungal; Filamentous fungi; Yeasts; Review.

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