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CES Medicina

Print version ISSN 0120-8705


PINO-MARIN, Daniel; MADRIGAL-CADAVID, Juliana  and  AMARILES, Pedro. Clinical relevance of drug interactions with antibiotics related to changes in the absorption: Structured review. CES Med. [online]. 2018, vol.32, n.3, pp.235-249. ISSN 0120-8705.


During the process of drug use, it is demanding to establish an effective and safe therapeutic scheme, especially in elderly patients, because they are polymedicated. In this sense, while the number of medications increases also increases the likelihood of the appearance of an interaction drug, which could have significant clinical consequences. The objective of this study was toestablish and evaluate the clinical relevance of drug interactions whit antibiotics related to changes in the absorption.


A search in PubMed / MedLine and Embase was made for articles in English and Spanish, full-text access, without a cut-off date, in humans. The clinical relevance was established based on the probability of occurrence and the severity of the interaction. The results were oriented in the antibiotics commercialized in Colombia, according to the database of Invima.


74 pairs of drug interactions of drugs marketed in Colombia were identified, 63 were clinically relevant and 11 with evidence of absence of interaction.


The absorption of antibiotics can be modified by factors such as the simultaneous use of drugs or food; equally, antibiotics can affect the bioavailability of some drugs, mainly by modifications in the microbiota and generating clinically relevant interactions. 67% of the identified interactions are high risk.

Keywords : Anti-Bacterial Agents; Drug Interactions; Drug Utilization.

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