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Agronomía Colombiana
Print version ISSN 0120-9965
PARRADO, Álvaro and MONTOYA, Iván Alonso. Characteristics of vegetable consumption in the medium and high socioeconomic strata of Bogotá. Agron. colomb. [online]. 2007, vol.25, n.2, pp.377-382. ISSN 0120-9965.
In the second semester of 2005, were carried out 384 surveys to people of the medium and high socioeconomic strata of Bogotá in order to identify characteristics of vegetable consumption related to preferences, frequency, and purchase places (access to channels). This investigation constitutes a second phase of the one carried out by Montoya et al. (2004), including as new topics the consumption of organic vegetables and product packages that people would be interested in acquiring. An elasticity of 0,55 for the investment of families in vegetables was estimated. The women are generally those who make the purchasing decision. The supermarket is the favorite place to buy vegetables. The products with more purchasing frequency are tomato, stubborn onion, orange, and carrot. Those of the smaller consumption were brusell cabbage, eggplant, and radish; the last ones are acquired mainly by people of strata 4, 5 and 6. The potential consumers manifested an interest of 62% in home delivery of the products; people of more revenues show the highest interest for this commercialization channel. Although 41% said not to know what are the organic products and only 20% to frequently consume them, more than half of the population would be interested in acquiring these products (59%) that indicates that there is a potential of superior market to the current consumption.
Keywords : agricultural marketing; distribution channels; organic products; investigation of markets; multivariate analysis.