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Medicas UIS

versión impresa ISSN 0121-0319versión On-line ISSN 1794-5240


PEREZ-GARCIA, Gabriel  y  PEREZ-BARON, María Paula. Report of the first case of papillary cystadenoma of the epididymis in Colombia. Medicas UIS [online]. 2020, vol.33, n.2, pp.95-100.  Epub 30-Ago-2020. ISSN 0121-0319.

The presence of a mass in the scrotal region comprises a wide spectrum of pathologies, some with greater urgency for management than others, given the associated risk of testicular loss or cancer development. Among the diagnostic possibilities are the neoplasms, highlighting those originating in the epididymis, with 75% of cases of benign etiology, 9% corresponding to the papillary cystadenoma of the epididymis that stands out for its low frequency given that in the world literature there are approximately 70 published reports with few from medical literature in Spanish, which include the present case presented in which a papillary cystadenoma of the epididymis is confirmed histopathologically and a review of the topic about the approach of a patient with scrotal mass is presented. Also the fact that this lesion can be associated with von Hippel Lindau disease, especially in bilateral presentations is highlighted. MÉD.UIS. 2020;33(2):95-100.

Palabras clave : Papillary cystadenoma; Epididymis; Genital Diseases, Male; Neoplasms.

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