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Print version ISSN 0121-0793


LONDONO, Julián; RAIGOSA, María; VASQUEZ, María  and  SANCHEZ, Jorge. Anaphylaxis: state of the art. Iatreia [online]. 2018, vol.31, n.2, pp.166-179. ISSN 0121-0793.

Anaphylaxis is defined as a systemic, rapid onset, and potentially fatal hypersensitivity reaction, with variable clinical manifestations and severity resulting from the sudden reléase of mast cell and basophil mediators. The diagnosis of this entity is fundamentally clinical, based on the patterns of manifestation and the exposure to a possible trigger. Currently several studies indicate deficiencies in the identification and management of this disease, which generates an increase in mortality.

In this review we present practical points of management and identify the main considerations to be taken into account in the first level care.

Keywords : Adrenaline; Allergen; Anaphylaxis; Atopy; Epinephrine; Food; Medications.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )