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Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud

Print version ISSN 0121-0807


MAYORGA-MOGOLLON, Luis Enrique; SEJIN-VASQUEZ, Carlos Enrique; PEREZ-GOMEZ, Mileidys  and  GUZMAN-MARTINEZ, Jennifer. Users' satisfaction with prenatal care in Monteria. Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander. Salud [online]. 2019, vol.51, n.3, pp.220-227. ISSN 0121-0807.


In the care health processes that require follow-up, such as prenatal care, users satisfaction can contribute to its outcome. The perceived quality, estimated through users satisfaction, approximates the measurement of prenatal care quality.


To establish the level of satisfaction among pregnant women with prenatal care in a health institution in Montería (Colombia).


Cross-sectional study with descriptive and analytical, using the Epidat 3.1 program. Averages, medians and proportions were estimated according to the quantitative or qualitative variables. The statistical association was explored using the Student's t test for the continuous variables and the x2 test for the categorical variables, and OR was estimated (95%CI) assuming as a case the satisfaction with the prenatal control.


Of the 178 women interviewed, 96% reported feeling satisfied with antenatal consultation. They received information on: Human Immunodeficiency Virus test 83.7%, laboratory tests 85.4%, obstetric danger signs 93.8%, maternal nutrition 86.5%, breastfeeding 76.4%, family planning 64%, newborn care 71.9%. The average of age (22.7 versus 25.1 years) and gestational age (11.1 versus 14.9 weeks) are lower in women satisfied with antenatal consultation (p<0.001). Other variables associated with satisfaction in antenatal care: complete medication delivery (OR 8.6 95%CI 1.6-46.2), timely laboratory results (OR 6 95%CI 1.2-28.9), and information provided on obstetric danger signs (OR 20.3 95%CI 3.7-112) and maternal nutrition (OR 5.3 95%CI 1.16-25.16).


In addition to the influence of demographic and obstetric variables and attributes of quality care health, it is important to note how information and health education are also associated with women's satisfaction with antenatal care.

Keywords : Patient satisfaction; prenatal care; pregnant women; health education; quality of health care; prenatal education; maternal-child health services; health care surveys; cross-sectional studies.

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