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Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud
versión impresa ISSN 0121-0807versión On-line ISSN 2145-8464
CACERES-MANRIQUE, Flor de María et al. Facial and content validity of an instrument to identify humanized childbirth. Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander. Salud [online]. 2022, vol.54, e328. Epub 21-Oct-2022. ISSN 0121-0807.
Humanized childbirth is considered a polysemy multidimensional and multifactorial construct, since there is no single agree definition. In this sense, measuring whether or not there was humanized childbirth is a complex challenge. Most of the instruments that measure the experience of childbirth are aimed at measuring the satisfaction of the mother. In Colombia, the measurement of humanized childbirth has been little studied.
Design and perform facial and content validation of an instrument to measure humanized childbirth.
Methodological research study carried out between March 2019 and February 2020 in six capital cities of Colombia (Barranquilla, Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Manizales, Medellin and Pasto). The study was conducted in four phases: 1. Literature review; 2. Construction of the instrument; 3. Cultural adaptation of the questionnaire; 4. Facial and expert content validity test performed in two qualifying rounds. Indices of facial and content validity were calculated for the instrument and its components.
After reviewing the literature, an instrument confirmed by 38 components was built, this was culturally adapted by sixteen women, validated through a facial and content test by twenty experts. In the results of facial validity, a Facial Validity Index was obtained for the entire instrument of 0.89, with a minimum value of 0.52 and a maximum of 1.0 for the components. For content validity, a Content Validity Index of 0.91 was obtained for the entire instrument, with a minimum value of 0.44 and a maximum of 1.0 for the components. Once the adjustments have been made, a final instrument consisting of 35 components is proposed.
The instrument makes it possible to identify humanized childbirth care in Colombia. The results of facial validity and content tests by experts support its application in the Colombian context and its use for future research.
Palabras clave : Validation study; Humanized childbirth; Humanized childbirth instrument; Colombia.