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vol.27 número53Elementos necesarios para la economía digital: el espectro radioeléctrico, infraestructura y redesResponsabilidad de los proveedores por el tratamiento de los datos sensibles - Una visión de acuerdo a las Leyes de Protección de Datos brasileña y europea índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0121-182Xversión On-line ISSN 1909-7727


GONCALVES, Rubén Miranda. Final Reflections on Euthanasia: A Journey Through its Medical, Ethical and Legal Dimensions. Prolegómenos [online]. 2024, vol.27, n.53, pp.107-122.  Epub 06-Mayo-2024. ISSN 0121-182X.

This article analyzes the concept of euthanasia in reference to the Organic Law for the Regulation of Euthanasia in Spain, approved in 2021, which outlines the requirements for its request. The issue has sparked numerous controversies between proponents and opponents, while posing ethical, legal and social challenges, including conscientious objection, for those unwilling to comply with the law. The study employs a bibliographic and documentary methodology, reviewing a broad range ofsources, including publications and legislation.

Palabras clave : Euthanasia; dignified death; conscientious objection; patient autonomy.

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