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Revista de Ciencias

Print version ISSN 0121-1935


DIAZ, Jhon Aymer; SANCHEZ, Paola Andrea  and  MEJIA, Carlos. Embryonic development of the first mandibular molar of the Mus musculus mouse swiss albino strainDesarrollo embrionario del primer molar mandibular del ratón Mus musculus cepa albino suizo. rev. cienc. [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.1, pp.11-24. ISSN 0121-1935.

Aim: Describing the embryonic development of the first mandibular molar in the mouse Mus musculus of the Swiss albino strain. Materials and methods: Observational descriptive study of the embryonic development of the mandibular first molar of 22 embryos of mouse Mus musculus Swiss albino strain obtained from the Vivarium of School of Health at Universidad del Valle, aged between eighth and tenth week. The samples were fixed in Bouin solution for 24 hours, embedded in paraffin for obtain sagittal and coronal cuts to 4 microns, and finally stained with hematoxylin-eosin to be analyzed through an optical light microscope. Results: The process of dental morphogenesis was described from different embryonic stages (E) and it's corresponding with Theiler stages (TS), and observed that the development of the first lower molar begins from the first thickening of the dental lamina in E12; developing tooth bud stage was observed in E12.5; cap stage was observed in dental at E13.5 and E14; and finally dental bell stage was identified in E14.5 Conclusion: According to reports from the previous literature on embryonic developmentof the first lower molar mouse Mus musculus Swiss albino strain at the Vivarium of the School of Health at Universidad del Valle, tooth morphogenesis occurs earlier in parallel to stages of embrionic development

Keywords : Mouse Mus musculus; developmental biology; Theiler stages; dental morphogenesis; first mandibular molar.

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