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Pedagogía y Saberes

Print version ISSN 0121-2494


LEON PALENCIA, Ana Cristina. An Approach to the Discussions on Education and Pedagogy: Estado da questãoUma abordagem das discussões no campo da educação e da pedagogia. Pedagogía y Saberes [online]. 2016, n.44, pp.93-103. ISSN 0121-2494.

This reflection paper is a product of a research aimed at making a map of discussions in the field of education and pedagogy. For that purpose, it takes up again some classifications developed from concepts such as currents, trends, approaches and pedagogical traditions. Focusing on the latter and its developments -connected with the concepts of education, bildung and curriculum- a new cartography is proposed the design of a new cartography. Finally, the paper elaborates on some elements of the current discussion in Colombia and the need for new paths to bring up to date the field of pedagogical studies in the country.

Keywords : Pedagogy; education; bildung; pedagogical traditions.

        · abstract in Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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