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Investigación y Desarrollo
Print version ISSN 0121-3261On-line version ISSN 2011-7574
GARCES PRETTEL, Miguel E.; PALACIO SANUDO, Jorge and AGUILAR RODRIGUEZ, Daniel E.. Analysis of the political culture in Montería, during the 2006-2008 period, from the categories of participation and political communication. Investig. desarro. [online]. 2010, vol.18, n.1, pp.44-67. ISSN 0121-3261.
The present article describes the conceptions, assessments and levels of adherence built around the existing socio-political dynamics, from the processes of participation of citizens in Montería, Colombia, during the 2007-2008period. The methodological design mergedfrom an intentional sampling with residents of the city, over eighteen, and living in their neighborhood for a period of time, no shorter than two years. The data was obtained through the application of two questionnaires, previously adapted to the requirements of the study. Those instruments were: PSC (Social and Communitary Participation) of the Fundación del Sinú and the ECP (Survey of Political Culture) of the DANE. It is important to point out, among the findings, that the processes of social participation generated have been framed within a consultative participatory model that responds to situations and to micro-initiatives at a neighborhood level. Four hampering elements to the development of participatory culture. Werw also detected such elements are: the economic crisis, corruption, lack of knowledge of some participation scenarios and, finally, the distrust of the public institutions and those who direct them.
Keywords : Political culture; participation; political communication; publicpolicy; interpersonal communication; mass-media.