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Investigación y Desarrollo
Print version ISSN 0121-3261On-line version ISSN 2011-7574
ROMAN ROMERO, Raúl and VIDAL ORTEGA, Antonino. The Colombian Caribbean versus the center of the country: economic rivalries in the construction of a national economy 1830-1848. Investig. desarro. [online]. 2011, vol.19, n.1, pp.140-165. ISSN 0121-3261.
This article examines the tensions between the Caribbean New Granada and center of the country in the process of building a domestic market and the efforts made in the first half of the nineteenth century by the Cartagena economic elites to overcome the crisis facing by the port of this city, in this direction are discussed initiatives for merchants to influence the government's economic policies and opposition to those founded by traders in Bogota. The objective of the Cartagena traders was to boost trade flows of the port and make it the coordinator center of a regional and national market, among these initiatives are to eliminate tax impediments on agricultural production to stimulate the production of some fruits, eliminating the monopoly of the production of snuff and then to create a free port status to Cartagena.
Keywords : Cartagena; Bogota; economic crisis; regional rivalries; regional market; trading; Freeport.