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Investigación y Desarrollo
Print version ISSN 0121-3261On-line version ISSN 2011-7574
AVENDANO CASTRO, William R; PAZ MONTES, Luisa Stella and PARADA-TRUJILLO, Abad E. Study of educational quality factors in different educational institutions in the municipality of Cucuta. Investig. desarro. [online]. 2016, vol.24, n.2, pp.329-354. ISSN 0121-3261.
Abstract The objective of this research is to analyze educational quality factors in some schools in the municipality of Cúcuta. It is a qualitative study of descriptive-non-experimental-transectional type in which it participates in teachers and teaching directors of 29 public educational institutions. For the collection of information, a matrix of evaluation of the educational quality was designed based on the available literature and the selection of variables implemented in other specific models of evaluation of the educational quality. In addition, pedagogical sessions were held with ten educational institutions in which they participated in manager-teachers and teachers, and the registration of teachers' contributions allowed supplementing the information contained in the completed instrument. The findings show that the educational institutions evaluated have focused on administrative and technical aspects and the formulation of documents and reports, but also important themes such as praxis and pedagogical reflection, writing and reading, citizenship training, curriculum, teaching-learning process and innovative and scientific practices. Consequently, it is invited to rethink the visión of quality in education so as to overeóme the vision that reduces the school to reports and documents, moving it to pedagogical practice and what it implies.
Keywords : continuous improvement; education; educationalquality; quality.