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Investigación y Desarrollo
Print version ISSN 0121-3261On-line version ISSN 2011-7574
RIERA VAZQUEZ, Celia Marta; PAZ ENRIQUE, Luis Ernesto and HERNANDEZ ALFONSO, Eduardo Alejandro. Considerations about community development. Investig. desarro. [online]. 2018, vol.26, n.1, pp.125-139. ISSN 0121-3261.
The scientific production on the term development is found fragmented from disarticulating interests of capital. This process has distorted the potential of society to rediscover the community as an emancipating quality of the human being. The lack of theoretical and conceptual unity about development has traditionally been dealt with by sociology, philosophy and political practice. The objective is to identify theoretical aspects related to the community quality of development. The study has a Marxist approach. To obtain results, the methods are used at the theoretical level: analytic-synthetic, systemic-structural, historical-logical and inductive-deductive, and empirically, the documentary analysis. Considerations on development are enunciated from an integrating vision that transcends adjectives and is based on a real and concrete process. The community as a transforming quality of human activity, concretized in collective projects, constitutes the theoretical principle of disalienating development.
Keywords : development; community development; desalienador development; community quality.