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Estudios de Filosofía

Print version ISSN 0121-3628


ANTOINE GAGIN, François Gabriel. Passions in Stoicioms. Estud.filos [online]. 2006, n.34, pp.187-199. ISSN 0121-3628.

After a few general considerations on what the Greek experience of passion represents, the position of Plato and Aristotle is considered to further underline in a contrapunctual manner, the originality of Stoic Psychology which, doing without the presence of an irrationality inherent to the human soul, defines a Passion as a result of an error in judgement. These sicknesses of the soul which, in a stoical perspective, are the passions, reveal an incomprehension and a disagreement of man with his surrounding, and is incapable of living in the present. The physical discourse, propaedeutical of Ethics, is revealing of the virtuous conduct free of passions.

Keywords : Passion; Philosophy; Politics; Animical Sickness; Ataraxia.

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