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Estudios de Filosofía

Print version ISSN 0121-3628


CHAMORRO-MUNOZ, Alicia Natali. Arendt and Blumenberg: Metaphors of the Contemporary Human Being. Estud.filos [online]. 2024, n.69, pp.27-48.  Epub June 05, 2024. ISSN 0121-3628.

We intend to analyze the relationship between Hans Blumenberg and Hannah Arendt around their anthropological perspectives to complement the vision of the former based on the particular way that the philosopher has of connecting with the practical and political world and, also to think about the implications that the anthropological perspective provided by Blumenberg has for practical reflection. In this sense, we focus on two themes: their reflection on the metaphor and the anthropological reading of the astronautical company. We will link these topics with the development of a contempo- rary anthropology, that is to say, although it is not possible to achieve a substantialist definition of the human being, even so, the question about our own occurrence is fundamental; in this case, the access route to anthropological doubt will be the metaphor.

Keywords : Hans Blumenberg; Hannah Arendt; anthropological philosophy; metaphor; Modernity; Cosmos; practical philosophy..

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