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Estudios de Filosofía

Print version ISSN 0121-3628


GIORGI-FONSECA, Luz Helena Di. “The illusions of the multitude” or “imaginaries” and their effects on the political sphere, in the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza. Estud.filos [online]. 2024, n.69, pp.71-93.  Epub June 05, 2024. ISSN 0121-3628.

This article addresses the notion of “illusions of the multitude”, or the ideas created by the imagination in the analysis that Baruch Spinoza makes in his works. The text aims to explore the following questions: What characteristics reveal the ideas originating from the imagination? What role do these ideas play in the political and so- cial space? First, I emphasize Spinoza’s explanation of the imagination, as a first mode of knowledge. Secondly, I delve into the characteristics of the ideas that stem from it and the affections that accompany them. Finally, I analyze their effects on the political and social space.

Keywords : Baruch Spinoza; imagination; ideas; affects; illusions of the multitude; mood fluctuation.

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